National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Max Brod as an intermdiary of the Czech drama to the German-speaking audience. A reception of the Czech theatre in the articles of Max Brod in journals Prager Abendblatt and Prager Tagblatt from 1921 to 1939
Fojtíková, Anežka ; Zelená, Alena (advisor) ; Kučera, Rudolf (referee)
The bachelor thesis on the topic Max Brod as an intermediary of the Czech drama to the German-speaking audience. A reception of the Czech theatre in the articles of Max Brod in journals Prager Abendblatt and Prager Tagblatt from 1921 to 1939 focuses on the reviews of Max Brod through which he strived to present the Czech drama to the German audience. The thesis examines the motivation of Brod in this regard, the form and the content of his reviews and also aims to contribute to the discussion about the blending of language and national spheres in Prague during the era of the First Czechoslovak Republic. Brod's activities as an intermediary is first put into the context of the coexistence of Czechs and Germans from the historical perspective of the First Czechoslovak Republic and their cultural interaction. The thesis also gives an overview about the Prague German literature, the German-speaking press and about the Prague theatre. The second chapter presents the personality of Max Brod and his interest in the Czech culture. Next, based on the secondary literature, Brod's theatrical reviews are characterized. The thesis highlights their political dimension as well as their evolution in the 1930s after the onset of the Nazi party in Germany. In the last chapter, three specific articles of Brod about...
Cultural section in the newslalar prager abendblatt in 1938
Svítilová, Tereza ; Köpplová, Barbara (advisor) ; Krejcar, Robert (referee)
The bachelor thesis Cultural section in the newspaper Prager Abendblatt in 1938 is based on the issues of German written press in Prague before the Second World War. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first one elaborates on the development of Czech- German relations since the beginning of the coexistence of Czechs and Germans in the same area. The emphasis is put on the year 1848 when Prager Abendblatt started to be published (at first as a supplement of Prager Zeitung, since 1867 it was published separately). Individual part of the first chapter is devoted to the events of the year 1938. The second chapter deals with Prager Abendblatt itself, its history and the characteristics of the media environment it entered. The second chapter provides the readers with the names of the editors-in-chief since 1918 and the most important authors who contributed with their articles to the cultural section during the 1930s. The chapter focuses also on the thematic content of the newspaper and the individual sections. The content before and after the Munich Agreement is compared. The third chapter analyses the cultural section and its aim is to find out which part of the cultural life (theater, music, film, literature and fine arts) occurs most often on the pages of Prager Abendblatt. It focuses also...

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