Dramatic production of Prague german authors in years 1910-1938
Kverková, Pavlína ; Augustová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Just, Vladimír (referee)
SYNOPSIS This thesis is devoted to German-speaking dramatists in Prague in the years between 1910 and 1938. The author of this thesis tries to research and emphasize the themes that were the most frequent in their production. The largest space is devoted to expressionist and by expressionism influenced drama. Another objective of this thesis is to integrate the work of these playwrights in the wider socio-cultural context, taking into account the specific atmosphere of Prague as a multicultural and multiethnic city, influenced by the mutual relationship between the three most widespread national minorities. KEYWORDS Prague German literature, expressionism, drama, theatre.
Existential topics in the prose of Karl Brand
Vůchová, Kristýna ; Glosíková, Viera (advisor) ; Tvrdík, Milan (referee)
This bachelor's thesis is about a German writing author from Prague, Karl Brand and his work. In the first part of this thesis the author is introduced in the context of his life and his life feeling, which appears in his works. The second part is focused on the interpretation of selected prosaic texts: Der Gute Mensch, Die Rückverwandlung des Gregor Samsa, Der Elende, Der Tod des Michael Peter Gazin, Novelle im Traum, Lou and Krankenhaus- Atmosphäre. A short introduction of the content of these texts is followed by their interpretation. The objective of this thesis is to interpret existential topics in Karl Brand's prose works, due to the critical state of health of the author, the focus is mainly on the death- motive. The death-motive appears in various forms in all selected prose works. Besides the death are Brand's heroes often confronted with illness or solitude. The benefit of this bachelor's thesis is both a clear biography of a less known Prague German author and the interpretation of existential topics in his work, which can be present for the reader even in the 21st century. Keywords Karl Brand, Prague German literature, existential topics, death-topic
"I am a Jew who believes in Christ.": ambivalence of Franz Werfel's approach to Judaism and Christianity by an example of his play Paul among the Jews
Šulcová, Veronika ; Zelená, Alena (advisor) ; Kunštát, Miroslav (referee)
In the life of significant representative of the Prague German Literature Franz Werfel, Judaism and Christianity played an important role, which was noticeably reflected in his work. This typical Werfel's feature is closely connected with his hometown Prague where Czechs, Germans and Jews coexisted together at the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century. Their cultures were mutually mixed and influenced by each other, Judaism and Christianity was confronted both with the Czech and the German culture. This bachelor thesis follows the antagonistic attitudes that Franz Werfel maintained towards Judaism, to which he felt bonded thanks to his origin and identity, and to Christianity, which was from his childhood of big importance for him on the emotional level. The paper examines the issue of Werfel's approach to the both religions on one of his plays Paul among the Jews from 1926, describing, according to its author, the tragic moment when Christianity detached from Judaism which resulted in the establishment of the Christian Church in the first century AD. Thus, the aim of this paper is to outline Werfel's own theological concept by analyzing his play Paul among the Jews in order to confirm or to disprove the belief, which spread after the introduction of the play to audience in 1926,...
Pragues (night) life in Paul Leppins Hüter der Freude (1918)
Strnadová, Julie ; Hadwiger, Julia Nina Vanessa (advisor) ; Zbytovský, Štěpán (referee)
(English): The aim of this bachelor thesis is a profound insight into the novel Hüter der Freude (1918) by the Prague German writer Paul Leppin (1878-1945). First, the author and his work are concisely introduced. In the main part I concentrate on social and cultural life in Prague shortly before the turn of the century. Emanating from the novel, I compare the results of a textual analysis with the so far released publications which deal with Prague German literature and life in Prague at the beginning of the 20th century. In the end the reader should primarily have an idea of what social life looked like at the time in which the novel takes place. In addition, I want to find out how Leppinʼs description of Prague corresponds to reality and to what extent it differs. Due to the given scope of the work and the large amount of literature published in this field, it is not possible nor the intent of this work to present a historical study of social life in Prague. It is rather the matter of providing an insight into Leppinʼs ways of describing his surroundings because Prague always was an important topic for the author and played a major role in all his publications as well as in his life.
Max Brod as an intermdiary of the Czech drama to the German-speaking audience. A reception of the Czech theatre in the articles of Max Brod in journals Prager Abendblatt and Prager Tagblatt from 1921 to 1939
Fojtíková, Anežka ; Zelená, Alena (advisor) ; Kučera, Rudolf (referee)
The bachelor thesis on the topic Max Brod as an intermediary of the Czech drama to the German-speaking audience. A reception of the Czech theatre in the articles of Max Brod in journals Prager Abendblatt and Prager Tagblatt from 1921 to 1939 focuses on the reviews of Max Brod through which he strived to present the Czech drama to the German audience. The thesis examines the motivation of Brod in this regard, the form and the content of his reviews and also aims to contribute to the discussion about the blending of language and national spheres in Prague during the era of the First Czechoslovak Republic. Brod's activities as an intermediary is first put into the context of the coexistence of Czechs and Germans from the historical perspective of the First Czechoslovak Republic and their cultural interaction. The thesis also gives an overview about the Prague German literature, the German-speaking press and about the Prague theatre. The second chapter presents the personality of Max Brod and his interest in the Czech culture. Next, based on the secondary literature, Brod's theatrical reviews are characterized. The thesis highlights their political dimension as well as their evolution in the 1930s after the onset of the Nazi party in Germany. In the last chapter, three specific articles of Brod about...
Eduard Goldstücker (1913 - 2000). Significant Prague germanist, journalist and politician.
Kříž, Jiří ; Tvrdík, Milan (advisor) ; Weinberg, Manfred (referee)
This master's thesis introduces the essential biographical sources for the research of the great personality of European German studies, journalism and politics, Prof. Eduard Goldstücker (1913- 2000): Prozesse: Erfahrungen eines Mitteleuropäers (1989), Vzpomínky 1913-1945 (2003), Vzpomínky 1945-1968 (2005) and Von der Stunde der Hoffnung zur Stunde des Nichts: Gespräche (2009). As the coordinate axis for understanding of the development and extensive areas of operation of this unique type of germanist serve the massive social and historical transformations in the 20th century Europe: The Great Depression, the World Wars, anti-Semitism, fascism, the Cold War, Stalinism, the Prague Spring and the period after the fall of the Iron Curtain. The focus of this thesis are Goldstücker's professional, editorial and journalistic activities and interconnected efforts in the field of diplomacy, politics and current affairs, which make him a scientific and social personality of exceptional importance.
The Character of Golem in German and Czech Author's Works
Kňavová, Darja ; Tvrdík, Milan (advisor) ; Hadwiger, Julia Nina Vanessa (referee)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá postavou Golema v dílech německých a českých autorů. V první kapitole se zaměřuji na Prahu na přelomu 19. a 20. století, kde se tomuto tématu věnovali hlavně němečtí, převážně židovští autoři. Jejich tvorba je označována pojmem "pražská německá literatura". Vedle nich o Golemovi píší i čeští spisovatelé. V druhé kapitole přibližuji dobu za vlády Rudolfa II., kdy žil rabi Löw, který podle pověsti Golema stvořil a oživil šémem. Poslední kapitola je věnována obecným informacím o oživlé hliněné postavě. Následně zde analyzuji jednotlivá díla předem vybraných autorů. Po zhodnocení sedmi bodů, na které jsem se ve své práci zaměřila, uvádím výsledky této analýzy. V některých případech uchopili autoři jednotlivé situace velice podobně, v některých se značně odlišovali. Právě odlišnost přístupu a pestré variace zpracování dotváří Golemův mysteriozní obraz.
Dramatic production of Prague german authors in years 1910-1938
Kverková, Pavlína ; Augustová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Just, Vladimír (referee)
SYNOPSIS This thesis is devoted to German-speaking dramatists in Prague in the years between 1910 and 1938. The author of this thesis tries to research and emphasize the themes that were the most frequent in their production. The largest space is devoted to expressionist and by expressionism influenced drama. Another objective of this thesis is to integrate the work of these playwrights in the wider socio-cultural context, taking into account the specific atmosphere of Prague as a multicultural and multiethnic city, influenced by the mutual relationship between the three most widespread national minorities. KEYWORDS Prague German literature, expressionism, drama, theatre.
Oskar Wiener and his creation for children
Adeltová, Helena ; Tvrdík, Milan (advisor) ; Hadwiger, Julia Nina Vanessa (referee)
The subject of this thesis is the German writer and Prague citizen Oskar Wiener, one of the city's lesser known authors from the turn of the 20th century. Special attention is paid to the author's writing for children, works that play a significant role is his overall creative output. The first chapter formulates the subject matter and establishes the goals of the thesis. The second chapter takes a look at the life of Oskar Wiener through the use of archive material, the recollections of friends and autobiographical elements in Wiener's work. The third chapter discusses German literature in Prague at the turn of the 20th century, including the historical background and a presentation of the literary groups of this period, especially the Jung Prag group and its literary tendencies. The fourth chapter is devoted to the Prague neo-romantics, a group to which Oskar Wiener belonged. The fifth chapter provides a brief overview of Wiener's overall work, with an emphasis on his activities as collector and agent. The sixth and seventh chapters then take a closer look at Wiener's writing for children: chapter six introduces his specific works and chapter seven places them in the general context of modern pedagogy. The final chapter summarises the results and insights of the thesis. Keywords Oskar Wiener,...