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Critical factors of implementation and operations of personal information systems
Zápotočný, Matej ; Buřita, Ladislav (referee) ; Jašek, Roman (referee) ; Koráb, Vojtěch (referee) ; Sodomka, Petr (advisor)
This dissertation thesis identifies critical factors of implementation and operation service of Human Resource Information Systems with all its specifics. In detail, the lifecycle of the system is described, system elements and types of organizations that might use it. The thesis aimes at four hypotheses that try to confirm or reject the importance of usage of Human Resource Information Systems in companies of various sizes on Czech and Slovak market. The thesis also describes detailed feedback of company representatives in areas of benefits and usage of these systems and presents a list of critical factors that were discovered and confirmed during the preparation of the thesis and related research.
Design of Personal Information System
Honza, Dalibor ; Dobiášek, Ondřej (referee) ; Neuwirth, Bernard (advisor)
The aim of my masters thesis is to design of Personal Information System for support the business. The primary developing process is focused on customer and business partners relationship management. The purpose is to design system fits to company needs and system which will be so simply to be possible use it in other businesses too.
Critical factors of implementation and operations of personal information systems
Zápotočný, Matej ; Buřita, Ladislav (referee) ; Jašek, Roman (referee) ; Koráb, Vojtěch (referee) ; Sodomka, Petr (advisor)
This dissertation thesis identifies critical factors of implementation and operation service of Human Resource Information Systems with all its specifics. In detail, the lifecycle of the system is described, system elements and types of organizations that might use it. The thesis aimes at four hypotheses that try to confirm or reject the importance of usage of Human Resource Information Systems in companies of various sizes on Czech and Slovak market. The thesis also describes detailed feedback of company representatives in areas of benefits and usage of these systems and presents a list of critical factors that were discovered and confirmed during the preparation of the thesis and related research.
Design of Personal Information System
Honza, Dalibor ; Dobiášek, Ondřej (referee) ; Neuwirth, Bernard (advisor)
The aim of my masters thesis is to design of Personal Information System for support the business. The primary developing process is focused on customer and business partners relationship management. The purpose is to design system fits to company needs and system which will be so simply to be possible use it in other businesses too.
Personal informatics in practice
Gušiliková, Nina ; Střížová, Vlasta (advisor) ; Toman, Prokop (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of management system support and human resources development through the use of personal information system in particular company. The main purpose of the thesis is to analyze benefits of human resources information system to increase efficiency, quality of human resource operations accuracy and to decrease human resources operations time consumption. The secondary purpose of the thesis is the knowledge generalisation and the identification of mistakes made by the company during the system implementation. Text of the diploma thesis is divided into two separate sections. First one is theoretically focused and contains three chapters where algorithm of basic activities of human control and new human resources is analysed, which at the end justifies the needs of support of all the personal information system processes. Characteristic of personal information systems and typology of personal information follows. Practical part of thesis deals with critical analysis of implementation of new personal system process in automotive company. The contribution of this thesis includes the summary of know-how gained within human resources system implementation. Conclusions of diploma thesis are based on results of basic pair methods of scientific work. Data for critical analysis were gained by analysis of project documentation, content analysis of company documents, interviews with company managers and form research between managers and company employees.
Possible solutions in the domain of the "Human resources management" in the information system of an organization
Kousal, Ondřej ; Žid, Norbert (advisor) ; Krátoška, Václav (referee)
My study focuses on methods of the human resources management in an information company. Human resources management and personal information systems present nowadays a very important aspect not only in terms of a management but also in terms of long-term company strategies. Proper human resources management and information system functioning provide an organization with a priceless competitive advantage in the form of effective usage of human resources. At first, human resources management is examined from the theoretic point of view and after that these theoretical needs are set against possibilities of a usage of personal information systems. Consequently, different functions of personal information systems and their supply on the Czech market are analyzed. In the separate chapter I bring in a practical example which summarizes the present state of human resources management and personal information systems in the Tyllco s.r.o. company and which also comprises my recommendation for an improvement.

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