National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Auction Portal with Non-banking Loans in The Czech Republic
Hadač, Marek ; Pochyla, Martin (referee) ; Heralecký, Tomáš (advisor)
This thesis delas with the business plan of the internet auction portal with non banking loans. The main aim of the thesis is on the base of financial plan and financial alalysis design functional system which would be realizable in practise. In theoretical part I deal with internet auctions and also legislation of consumers contracts and loans. In practical part comparing the loan market and proposal of business solution.
Auction Portal with Non-banking Loans in The Czech Republic
Hadač, Marek ; Pochyla, Martin (referee) ; Heralecký, Tomáš (advisor)
This thesis delas with the business plan of the internet auction portal with non banking loans. The main aim of the thesis is on the base of financial plan and financial alalysis design functional system which would be realizable in practise. In theoretical part I deal with internet auctions and also legislation of consumers contracts and loans. In practical part comparing the loan market and proposal of business solution.

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