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Ochrana podnikatele před nekalosoutěžním jednáním konkurence v obchodní činnosti
Bílková, Kristýna
This thesis deals with the protection of entrepreneurs against unfair competition actions in the business activity. It is divided into two parts - a review of literature and one's own work. The theoretical part explains concepts such as competition, unfair competition, general clause and individual facts of unfair competition are defined as well. Further, it discusses the legal and illegal protection of business with regards to the legal and illegal means of protection. The practical part pre-sents the selected cases of unfair competition. In conclusion, there are recommen-dations for businesses.
Ochrana spotřebitele v nekalé soutěži klamavé označení zboží a služeb a dotěrné obtěžování
Hladíková, Blanka
My diploma thesis deals with consumer protection in the case of misleading label-ing of goods and services and intrusive harassment as special facts of unfair com-petition. In the literary research, I explain the development of unfair competition, regulation of misleading labeling of goods and services, intimate harassment. Next, I compare legal regulations with Slovakia and the EU. I devote myself to legal and extra-legal protection of the consumer, I am referring to the legal means of protection, as well as the non-legal ones, and I mention organizations that help to protect consumers. In my own part, I give examples of misleading designation of goods and services and intimate harassment from practice, both from the Czech Republic and from abroad, which I add to my own commentary.
Vplyv európskeho obchodného práva, jeho ekonomické dopady a vynútiteľnost pre domáceho výrobcu v rámci zjednocovania trhu
Adam, Denis
Adam, D., Effects of European company law, its economic implications and enforcement of domestic producer within the market integration. Bachelor thesis. Brno, 2016. This bachelor thesis focuses on effects of European company law on traditional products and its enforcement on domestic producers. Thesis analyses processes and evaluates consequences of changing product trademark of the "Spreadable butter". The aim of the thesis is to evaluate and point to negative economic implications of changing trade description for domestic producers, as a consequence of European commission regulation about unification market. Based on analysing of process of conflict with European commission and with the help of quantitative research, the goals defined in the thesis are evaluated.
Právne aspekty reklamy na internete
Sopková, Katarína
Sopková, K. Legal aspects of internet advertising. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2015. This thesis will examine the legal aspects of internet advertisement. Bachelor the-sis is divided into two parts. The first part is theoretical, the second one is practi-cal. The first part defines terms that appears in thesis, for example advertising, regulation of advertising, unfair competition, etc. What is really important in this part of thesis is describing Google's AdWords ad system. The second part deals mostly with economic and legal section of Google AdWords. Problems with social networks are part of this thesis too.

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