Stresové testovanie komerčných bánk
Jačková, Kristína
Jačková K. Stress testing of commercial banks. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2009 2017. The Bachelor thesis deals with a description of the stress testing in bank sector. It consists of two major parts. The first part describes the risk management of banks and the concept of Basel. In more detail this part deals with the methodology of tests. The second part is focused on organs of surveillance functioning within tests. The next aspect that is covered in this work is testing that was carried out in Europe in 2016. The thesis contains more detailed description of the tests that were carried out in the area of Czech Republic and Slovakia in 2016. The last part obtains an evaluation of tests as a tool used for evaluating the bank stability.
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Tools for Wi-Fi and IPv4 penetration testing
Jančík, David ; Lieskovan, Tomáš (referee) ; Martinásek, Zdeněk (advisor)
The master thesis deals with the design and implementation of support tools and methodologies for security penetration testing of Wi-Fi networks and IPv4 network infrastructure. The theoretical part covers penetration testing itself, approaches, phases, and types. It also describes the development of Wi-Fi networks and their security protocols. Various penetration tools for Wi-Fi networks and types of attacks are introduced. In the last theoretical part, a basic overview of IPv4 and tools for IPv4 scanning is provided. Initially, in the practical part, a proprietary methodology for Wi-Fi networks and IPv4 and tools for penetration testing are proposed. The Python programming language is defined, along with the output of various tools for the Penterep platform. A review of tools from the theoretical part is conducted to select suitable tools for new support tools. The implementation of penetration tools is based on the design diagram created. The conclusion summarizes the results achieved and suggestions for further expansion of tools for Wi-Fi and IPv4. The result of this thesis is the implementation of support tools and the design diagram for Wi-Fi networks and IPv4.
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Modern trends in the design of frame machine
Holík, Štěpán ; Urbánek, Michal (referee) ; Zeizinger, Lukáš (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of using modern methods of machine structures design, especially topological optimization. The first part describes the history of design, design methods in terms of approach to the technical problem and product development process. The second part discusses the various methods used in the design. The methods of topological optimization are compared and software solutions that enable topological optimization are described in detail. The fourth part deals with the dimensioning of components using topological optimization with a demonstration of important details on a specific example in Ansys Mechanical and MSC Apex Generative Design.
Software tool for factory acceptance test
Dostál, Adam ; Blažek, Petr (referee) ; Martinásek, Zdeněk (advisor)
This work is focused on the implementation of functional tests within the software project in the field of energy in the company Unicorn. The theoretical part describes in general the project methodology of software development and the methodology Rational Unified Process (RUP). In addition, the test methods are included, and the quality management model FURPS+. The last section introduces functional tests, including a description of those that are used to test the developed application. The practical part consists of description of the energy project Nemo Link, developed application Nemo Link Dispatch System (NDS), individial application modules, test enviroment, used tools and designed test methodology. Based on this methodology, individual selected tests are performed and evaluated.
Data Mining
Slezák, Milan ; Hynčica, Ondřej (referee) ; Honzík, Petr (advisor)
The thesis is focused on an introduction of data mining. Data mining is focused on finding of a hidden data correlation. Interest in this area is dated back to the 60th the 20th century. Data analysis was first used in marketing. However, later it expanded to more areas, and some of its options are still unused. One of methodologies is useful used for creating of this process. Methodology offers a concise guide on how you can create a data mining procedure. The data mining analysis contains a wide range of algorithms for data modification. The interest in data mining causes that number of data mining software is increasing. This thesis contains overviews some of this programs, some examples and assessment.