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Design interiérového objektu se světelnou funkcí
Bílá, Andrea
The subject of the author’s bachelor thesis is the Design of the interior object with light function, which will serve both as a design element and as a light emitting element. Bachelor thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical section describes the basic themes and variables associated with light in general, and also touches on the area of bedroom furniture. In the practical parts the author presents her own design together with researches, gradual development of the design, visualizations, construction and material processing as well as the resulting prototype.
Světelné znečištění v socioekonomických a environmentálních souvislostech
Melichová, Lucie
This bachelor thesis focuses on the issue of light pollution, the impact of which on the environment and human health is increasingly recognized. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the causes of light pollution and examine its effects on the night sky, fauna, flora, and human health. Furthermore, the thesis discusses the current situation in the Czech Republic regarding light pollution, legislative tools, and dark sky areas. Information on this issue is gathered through a review of specialized literature and online sources related to the problem of light pollution. The obtained information is subsequently used to propose specific recommendations for reducing the negative impacts of light pollution. The result of the work is an overview of the issues related to light pollution and its possible solutions.
Design nábytkového soliteru se zabudovaným osvětlením
Ryšavý, Ondřej
The aim of this work is a solitaire with built-in lighting. The first part deals with the history of aluminum furniture, the issue of side tables, the use of material for the product, an overview of the basic dimensions and standards. The second part is about designing a bedside table with illumination from the first sketches to visualization, constructional solution and then making a 3D printed model.
Návrh kolekce interiérových svítidel
Štěpánková, Lucie
The bachelor's thesis deals with the design of an interior lighting collection. It briefly informs about the development of lighting, its history and present. Describes the issue of interior lighting, defines input data and requirements for solutions. It also contains a market search with the offered lightings, construction and material solutions and product safety. Furthermore, the production technology, its principle and history are described here. The practical part is the whole process of design and production, including the materials used. It includes searches, sketches, design variants, construction and material solutions, visualization of the final design and photographs of the prototype. The final output of the bachelor's thesis is a functional prototype of an interior lighting collection.
Světelné znečištění kulturní krajiny
Fajkus, Zbyněk
This bachelor thesis, entitled "Light pollution of the cultural landscape", aims to describe the issue of light pollution. It identifies its sources and negative effects on the natural environment, including fauna and flora, as well as its impact on human health. It also deals with its issues within the legislation. The design part deals with a possible solution within the model area, which would reduce or eliminate light pollution in the model area.
The Cross in Changing of Times and its Significance in Ancient Society
Roule, Radek ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (advisor) ; Weis, Martin (referee) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
The Cross in Changing of Times and its Significance in Ancient Society The cross is the most widespread symbol appearing worldwide right from the prehistoric times. Though being formed of a very simple shape of two intersecting lines the significance is far reaching. This dissertation looks at the cross both as a sign pointing beyond itself and concentrates on the diversity of its visual appearance. It tries to trace back the possible factors preceding Antiquity influencing the formation of the actual shape in that particular period of history. Although for most part the cross is understood in its connection with the Crucifixion of Christ its history is far more complex beginning in pre-Christian era. The biblical texts present more or less mere allusions of the cross itself. Seen typologically the cross may be understood as the element connecting both Old and New Testament creating a sort of a bridge between them. The careful analysis of the Early Christian documents brings several terms used for the same reality. The most significant are - σταυρός with the Latin equivalent crux and ξύλου (wood) with the Latin equivalent lignum. Later on these give a way to a more general term of σημεῖον (sign) and finally to a symbolic expression "σύμβολον σωτηρίας" (sign-symbol of salvation). The early Christian writers...
Effect of acute sleep deprivation in different light conditions on the quality of recovery sleep
Zeithamlová, Barbora ; Kopřivová, Jana (advisor) ; Vlček, Kamil (referee)
Sleep is regulated by homeostatic and circadian processes. The circadian process is controlled by the internal biological clock, which is regularly synchronised with the external world by so-called zeitgebers. The most important zeitgeber for humans is light, therefore incorrect timing of light signals can lead to desynchronisation of the clock and sleep disruption; however, this depends on the intensity and spectral characteristics of the light. Dimmed red light is unlikely to significantly interfere with sleep regulation, but white light with a higher intensity could. White light is typically used when people stay awake during the night and experience acute total sleep deprivation. This could potentially interfere with the compensatory mechanisms occurring during subsequent recovery sleep. We therefore decided to test whether and how different lighting conditions during sleep deprivation can affect the structure of recovery sleep. We had 12 healthy uniform volunteers undergo two acute total sleep deprivations; one under normal white light, the other under dim red light. Using polysomnography, we measured the sleep parameters of both recovery sleeps and compared them. It turned out that sleep that occurred after the sleep deprivation in constant dim light conditions was less fragmented, had...
The effect of environmental factors on mesenchymal stem cells
Hlávka, Jakub ; Krulová, Magdaléna (advisor) ; Vištejnová, Lucie (referee)
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have the potential to be a valuable therapeutic tool due to their capacity for differentiation and immunomodulation. However, in order to ensure their efficacy in clinical applications, it is necessary to gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors influecing their properties. This bachelor thesis investigates the influence of environmental factors, including physical activity, temperature and light exposure, on MSCs functionality. Additionally it desribes the underlying mechanisms involved in the action of these factors. Finally, it evaluates the theoretical implications of exploiting environmental cues to enhance MSCs properites. An understanding of how environmental conditions shape MSCs behavior is essential for optimising their therapeutic potential and advancing regenerative medicine strategies. Key words: mesenchymal stem cells, environmental factors, physical activity, temperature, light
Palm liveness detection and identification
Kala, Adam ; Goldmann, Tomáš (referee) ; Sakin, Martin (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis is focused on the detection of liveness of the human hand and its identification from multispectral images. The main goal of the work is the recognition of a living hand and its forgeries based on the information we have obtained, the finding of minutiae for palm identification and their use. The work describes techniques for cropping the area of interest, extracting characteristic features from the palm, and subsequent detection of liveness and identification of the person. Liveness detection success reached over 90% and person identification with a False Acceptance Rate (FAR) of less than 2% for selected datasets.
Sound of a low whisper
Krutsche, Karin ; Mladějovský, Josef (referee) ; Štindlová, Marie (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis examines the intersection of Christian themes with everyday life and draws inspiration directly from the Bible. The author focuses on her subjective interpretation of faith and reflects on the unexpected ways in which God's presence can manifest itself. Through her artwork, she visually depicts these themes, emphasizing the symbolism of light as a representation of God's transcendence.

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