Opinion of fans on historical icons of a selected club and their usage in marketing comunication
Halberštát, Jiří ; Opelík, Daniel (advisor) ; Šíma, Jan (referee)
Title: Opinion of fans on historical icons of a selected club and their usage in marketing comunication Objectives: The aim of thesis is to introduce the point of view of current fans of football club AC Sparta Praha about historical personas and historical events and suggest a marketing communication based on the history of the club for the management of the organisation AC Sparta Praha. Methods: In the thesis were used two methods, the first one was focus group, based on the findings out of the focus group was estabilished questionnaire which means the second used method was quantitative research, specifically electronical questionnaire. The questionnaire served to collect data from respondents. For description of collected data from focus group was used a combined method of commented and literal transcription and for description of collected data from questionnaire was used method of description analysis. Results: It was detected that expression of unappreciated players is not clear what exactly it means and its understanding is very divided. Experts in the focus group have selected 7 names which were Michal Horňák, Josef Jurkanin, Bohumil Klenovec, Josef Šroubek, Jindřich Rezek, Daniel Kolář and Michal Sáček. Based on their opinions was estabilished questionnaire which was filled by 1404 fans,...
Cooperation with the family in the education of children at an early age
Splavcová, Hana
The dissertation is devoted to the reality of enrolling early children in kindergarten in the Czech Republic. The topic was examined from the perspective of key actors, ie parents and teachers, through research questions: What is the availability of early childhood education in the Czech Republic? What are the reasons for families to place early children in the kindergarten? What are the benefits of an early child attending kindergarten from the point of view of individual actors? What are the ways of communication and cooperation with the family from the point of view of individual actors? A questionnaire survey was used for data collection, in which took part 1 030 parents and 1 118 teachers from all over the Czech Republic. For a deeper understanding, the survey was supplemented by focus groups of parents and teachers. The obtained data were analyzed using open coding, constant comparison and simple descriptive statistics. The availability of education for early children is a burning issue in the Czech Republic. The issue of accessibility affects the view of its quality, at the same time it intersects into a wide range of identified reasons of families. For the most part, the survey showed that parents and teachers attach importance to approaching children, meeting the needs of children and...
Personality Head Manager in Ambulantory Social Services
DRSOVÁ, Terezie
This diploma thesis deals with the personality of a senior manager in an outpatient social services facility. The theoretical part defines the personality of the manager, the managerial role. Furthermore, it includes presentation of managerial motivation, management styles of managers and supervision, which is associated with the issue. The practical part of my thesis contains the processing and evaluation of the results gained during the research. The goal of the diploma thesis was to describe the personality of a senior manager in an outpatient social services facility. To meet this goal, a qualitative research strategy was chosen through the method of questioning and the technique of semi-structured interview. The main research question is: What personality prerequisites do managers of outpatient social services have? The communication partners are the managers of outpatient social services in the Tabor region who have expressed interest in participating in the research. Elements of grounded theory were used to achieve evaluation of obtained data, specifically open and axial coding. The research has shown that i tis not possible to define homogeneous personality traits that all managers of outpatient social services should have but it is possible to indicate the most common qualities that a mentioned manager should have. The results of the diploma thesis may be used as feedback for the organizations of outpatient social services where the research was conducted.
Preparation of a pediatric pacient for invasive surgery
Current status: Perioperative medicine is an evolving multidisciplinary field and a frequently discussed area of healthcare. It is this multidisciplinary approach and cooperation that enables patients to overcome the challenges associated with surgical procedures safely. The collaboration between various specialties is essential for the safe preparation and execution of invasive procedures in both adult patients and children patients. Depending on the length of preparation before surgery, perioperative preparation is classified as long-term, short-term, immediate, and anaesthetic. A preoperative examination is the domain of either a clinical paediatrician or a general practitioner for children and adolescents. Clinical paediatricians focus on performing acute preoperative examinations, while general practitioners conduct planned preoperative examinations and may supplement their examinations with those of outpatient specialists. Short-term and immediate perioperative preparation before an invasive procedure is also within the competence of nurse working in the specific department of the hospital where children are hospitalized for surgery. Anaesthetic perioperative care is then in the hands of an anaesthesiologist or anaesthesiology nurse. Objectives of the thesis: The first objective was to identify the nursing specifics of preparing a child for an invasive procedure. The second objective was to determine the role of the nurse in minimizing the impact of negative influences associated with preparing for an invasive procedure. Methodology: Qualitative research was conducted through inquiring and in-depth semi-structured interviews with nurses performing preoperative preparation for paediatric patients undergoing invasive procedures and with the children themselves, from two selected hospitals in the South Bohemian Region. A total of 10 interviews were conducted with nurses and 7 with paediatric patients. The interviews were transcribed verbatim into electronic form using MS Word editor. For their detailed analysis the "pen and paper" method was used. Through coding, common characteristics were identified in the individual responses of nurses and paediatric patients. These characteristics were colour-coded based on analogously oriented units and further grouped into categories and subcategories, considering their direct relevance to the research questions on which were individual schemes created. The research was conducted in April and May of 2024. Results: The qualitative research revealed that the most important specific aspect of nursing care in the preoperative period for paediatric patients is communication, both with the children and their parents. The research results showed that among the most frequent negative impacts on children before surgery and during hospitalization is fear, especially of the environment and pain. Conclusion and recommendations for practice: The research results highlighted the nursing specifics of perioperative preparation for children indicated surgery, which can significantly influence the course of the surgical procedure itself, as well as the overall experience, coping with hospitalisation and the healing process of the child patient. Furthermore, the research results identified negative impacts on hospitalised children undergoing invasive procedures. This confirmed the significant and irreplaceable role of a nurse in the preoperative preparation of paediatric patients for surgery. The thesis concludes with suggestions for improvement in the preoperative preparation of paediatric patients for invasive procedures.
The role of a nurse in the care of patient with aphasia in postoperative and post-traumatic phases
Introduction: Nurse's position in care of a patient with aphasia in postoperative and post-traumatic phases can not be summarized in to just one role. Nurse has a difficult task in caring for a patient with speech disorder, and there may be many obstacles or misunderstandings during when providing nursing care including communication with the patient. Goal: The objective of empirical study was to describe nurse's role in care of patient with aphasia in postoperative and post-traumatic phases. Furthermore, to identify which obstacles may arise during a communication between the nurse and the patient with phatic disorder. Another goal was to find out the specifics of nursing care for a patient with a phatic disorder. And also to point out the differences in provided nursing care for patients with phatic disorder in surgical and non-surgical units. Methodics: The empirical investigation was carried out using qualitative method using semi-structured interviews. The research investigation was carried out with general nurses from surgical and non-surgical care units. Altogether, 15 general nurses from the South Bohemian Region voluntarily participated in the research. Interviews were transcribed later on and processed using the "pencil and paper" method. Results: Empirical research has shown that the nurse's role is about providing direct nursing care, but when it comes to a patient with a phatic disorder, nurse has to evaluate his general condition,state of a phatic disorder, the diagnosis with which the patient is hospitalized, age and associated diseases. Care depends on this and is individual for each patient. The nurse's role when providing nursing care depends primarily on setting aside enough time for the patient, communicating slowly, articulating correctly and above all being patient. During the communication and during providing nursing care with a patient with a phatic disorder obstacles may arise. An obstacle for the nurse can be the patient's non-cooperation, misunderstanding based on phatic disorder. However, a barrier can also arise from nurse's side, and that could be primarily their time, which they do not have enough. Conclusion: The care of the patient with phatic disorder is not easy for the nurse. Her role consists in providing the nursing care, during which she should reserve more time for the patient with phatic disorder, be patient, and approach to each patient individually. Research has also shown that nurses are not sufficiently involved in speech therapy practice with the patient. They admitted that they communicate with the patient only when providing the nursing care, and there is no time left for communication beyond that.
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Pedagogická komunikace ve výuce odborného výcviku z pohledu žáků
Kozlová, Renata
The Bachelor´s thesis will examine the topic of pedagogical communication in teaching of vocational training from the point of view of the pupil at secondary school. At the theoretical level it serves basic information and clarification of the concept of communication, pedagogical communication, social communication, verbal and nonverbal communication. Another goal is to outline rules of pedagogical communication, listening, feedback, teacher attitudes towards pupils, possibilities of expressing motivations, problem communication and specifics of age of pupils in secondary school in vocational training. The main aim of the practical part is to find out how communication between pupils and a teacher of vocational training works. Data will be collected through questionnaires. The questionnaire survey will take place at a selected secondary vocational school in the South Moravian Region. Based on the findings the conclusion and recommendations for pedagogical practice will be drawn.
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Právní aspekty propagace zboží a služeb na internetu
Rak, Tomáš
This bachelor thesis is focused on the legal aspects of promoting goods and services online. The thesis contains a basic description of advertising followed by a summary of common tools used to promote goods online and their payment methods. After the general information about advertising methods, the thesis continues with a characterization of legal aspects affecting the promotion of goods and services, and the authorities supervising their compliance. Finally, a proposal for an online marketing plan for a local company is created based on the previous chapters.
Průběžná evaluace IPRM Kroměříž prostřednictvím analýzy stakeholders
Osinová, Markéta
The goal of this diploma thesis is the evaluation of the document of Integrated Development Plan (IDP) of the city Kroměříž and subsequent provision of recommendations to make more effective communication between interest groups to the IDP and recommendation of activities which could be suitable for realization to future. The diploma thesis is split into two parts, theoretical and practical part. The literature linked to the theme of the strategic planning and regional development is introduced in the theoretical part. The theoretical bases are essential for understanding the theory and its relation to the practical part. The fundamental part of the thesis is dedicated to evaluation of the IDP Kroměříž through analysis of stakeholder, then according of the methodological guideline issued by the Ministry for Regional Development and by following the parent documents. Thanks to the analysis was evaluated state and effectiveness of the involvement of interest groups to the process of the strategic planning. At the end of the thesis are discussed possible steps for gaining further development of the communication with stakeholders and field of the strategic planning.