National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Study of Optical Properties of Metallic Structures and Their Applications in Nano-Optics
Neuman, Tomáš ; Munzar,, Dominik (referee) ; Kalousek, Radek (advisor)
Interaction of metallic structures with electromagnetic radiation is a living topic of near-field optics including plasmonics and nanophotonics. The field-matter interaction treated on the subwavelength scale opens the path to a wide range of applications, among others to different variants of the surface enhanced spectroscopy. In this thesis we theoretically describe how the near-field properties of the metallic structures can be accessed by a probe of near-field scanning optical microscope. Formation of the signal in the near-field microscopy utilizing weakly interacting probes is discussed. Further, we elucidate the mechanism of the surface enhanced infrared spectroscopy. We utilize a model example of linear dipole antennas interacting with sample structures. A close connection is found between the spectroscopic signal and signal of the scattering type near-field optical microscopy.
Study of Optical Properties of Metallic Structures and Their Applications in Nano-Optics
Neuman, Tomáš ; Munzar,, Dominik (referee) ; Kalousek, Radek (advisor)
Interaction of metallic structures with electromagnetic radiation is a living topic of near-field optics including plasmonics and nanophotonics. The field-matter interaction treated on the subwavelength scale opens the path to a wide range of applications, among others to different variants of the surface enhanced spectroscopy. In this thesis we theoretically describe how the near-field properties of the metallic structures can be accessed by a probe of near-field scanning optical microscope. Formation of the signal in the near-field microscopy utilizing weakly interacting probes is discussed. Further, we elucidate the mechanism of the surface enhanced infrared spectroscopy. We utilize a model example of linear dipole antennas interacting with sample structures. A close connection is found between the spectroscopic signal and signal of the scattering type near-field optical microscopy.

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