National Repository of Grey Literature 338 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Rozpočet obce Nezdenice
Dostalová, Pavlína
Dostalová, P. Budget of Municipality Nezdenice. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2020. This bachelor thesis deals with the budget of the municipality of Nezdenice. In front of the work, information on the budget is provided. Information of the budgetary procedure, the stages in its compilation and the general breakdown of the income and expenditure of municipalities. In the practical part, an analysis of the municipality's management, an analysis of the incomes and expenditures of the municipality of Nezdenice in 2017-2019 is carried out. The work also includes the evaluation of the budget of the municipality of Nezdenice and recommendations to improve the current situation in the municipality.
Analýza hospodaření vybrané municipality
Křikavová, Lenka
The diploma thesis focuses on the issue of municipal management. Its aim is to evaluate the management of the municipalities Vyškov and Blansko from 2015–2020, compare it and then propose measures that could lead to more efficient use of funds. The evaluation of the budget is made in terms of incomes and expenses and based on the analysis it can be stated that none of the evaluated municipalities shows serious economy deficiencies. The proposed measures can thus contribute to further efficiency improvement of management.
Finanční dopady pojistných podvodů na komerční pojišťovnu
Osička, Karel
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to propose measures, that conserve funds of the selected commercial insurance company in connection with insurance frauds. These measures are based on the analysis of insurance frauds development in the selected commercial insurance company and insurance market as well as on informations about fraud management of the selected commercial insurance com-pany. This bachelor thesis contains two main parts. The literature review introduces economy of commercial insurance companies and insurance fraud issues. Own work consists of the analysis, assessing the effectiveness of measures in relation to saved value and proposed measures. Own work ends with discussion of results.
Vyhodnocení způsobu hospodaření majetkem městské části Brno-Královo Pole
Jakubková, Alena
The aim of the task is to analyze the method of how Královo Pole, a part of Brno, treat the property. The purpose of this project is also to give a recommendation how to increase the effectivity. For this reason the present phase of the property and development would be analyzed. The important elements of analysis would be also the budget of general activity and the financial plan of another activities which would help to understand the economy situation this accounting unit. Results will be presented from two views, economic and juridical.

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