Ochrana osobních údajů při poskytování zdravotnických služeb
Mitášová, Eva
This thesis describes the protection of personal data, principles of processing, legal instruments of processing personal data and their security. This thesis also analyses survey of protection of personal data in healthcare. Finally, recommendations for healthcare providers based on analysed results are given.
Dopad nařízení GDPR na online marketing e-shopu
Nguyenová, Thi Bích
Nguyenová Thi, B. Impact of GDPR regulations on online marketing of e-shop. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel Univerzity, 2022. The bachelor thesis focuses on the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on online marketing of an e-shop specializing in health and sports nutrition. The thesis is divided into theoretical and analytical parts. The theoretical part focus on data protection, online marketing and processing of personal data. The analytical part evaluated the impact and risks of GDPR on e-shop processes and the e-shop marketing department. To fulfil the aim of the thesis, a survey was conducted, which was then completed by in-depth interviews. At the end of thesis, managerial recommendations were formulated, on how to process personal data according to the GDPR and thus implement the GDPR regulation on internal and external marketing processes.
Ethical aspects of GDPR implementation within the EU
Jonáš, Roman
Bachelor thesis of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Ethical Aspects of GDPR Implementation within EU, discuss The General Regulation which constitutes an updated legal framework for the protection of personal data in the EU (European Union) and EEA (European Economic Area), moral principles and acceptance of regulation by International Corporations with focus on IT sphere. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to provide satisfactory and completed evidence of the characteristics, analysis, and description of the ethical aspects of the implementation process itself in the selected environment. In the first part, the thesis focuses through theoretical definitions, cybersecurity, processes to a possible danger of data manipulation. The second part of the thesis will move to current Ethical aspects and Compliance of International IT Corporations within the EU and EAA. Empirical research through a PEST analysis helps discover, evaluate and track macro-economic factors that can impact personal data protection now and in the future. Through a structured questionnaire, we have asked employees of joined companies from the list of TOP 100 ICT for the year 2018 in Czechia set of questions which helped us interpret the results of implementation procedure, advantages of ISO certification and level of general awareness about the 2018 reform.
Ochrana osobních údajů a nařízení GDPR z pohledu rizik a nákladů
Gogolová, Pavlína
Gogolová, P. Privacy and GDPR regulations in terms of risks and costs. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University. 2020. The bachelor's thesis deals with the formulation of risks, costs and potential re-venues of companies that provide accounting, legal and tax advice in connection with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which applies to individuals. First, the work contains a theoretical part in the field of personal data protection, costs, risks and benefits. In addition to the specific costs, benefits and risks, the work itself also contains information obtained on the basis of a questionnaire survey. This involves treating the implementation of this regulation into the pro-cedures and regulations of individual companies, quantifying costs, assessing risks or expecting returns. This is a setting of personal data protection, especially in connection with the use of banking services and products, as well as internal company guidelines. At the end of the work, managerial recommendations for the implementation of this binding regulation are formulated.
Ochrana osobných údajov v obchodnej spoločnosti
Tunegová, Adriana
Tunegová, A. Personal data protection in the business company. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2020. The diploma thesis deals with the application of General data protection regulation. The essence of this thesis is to propose recommendations to achieve compliance with GDPR. The theoretical part consists of a description of personal data and privacy development. It also clarifies the basic concepts defined in the Regulation and other contexts. The practical part is devoted to the analysis of the current situation in the field of personal data protection in a company. The current situation is compared to the requirements of the Regulation and several measures are proposed on the basis of the deviations found.
Ochrana osobných údajov v podnikání obchodnej spoločnosti se zameraním na marketing
Beňová, Magdaléna
Beňová, M. Personal data protection in the practice of business companies based on marketing activities. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2020. The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of personal data protection in the context of the regulation adoption from May 2018 – General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The issue is related to business companies handling personal data of customers and prospects, as a part of their marketing activities. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to propose a set of recommendations for marketing department of the specific business company, to ensure that this department entirely complies with the General Data Protection Regulation. No less important objective of the thesis is to propose GDPR and future ePrivacy regulation compliant recommendations for business companies performing “cold call” and “cold e-mailing” activities, without any previous contact with the potential customer.
Právní a ekonomické aspekty ochrany osobních údajů pacienta
Kobierská, Lucie
The Bachelor thesis called Legal and economics aspects of Personal data protection analyzes the changes and obligations arising from Regulation (EU) 2016/679. The goal of this work is to design the protection of personal data against patients for a particular healthcare provider so that it is in accordance with the already mentioned Regulation and act No. 372/2011 collection on health services.
Ochrana soukromí a ochrana osobních údajů zaměstnanců a hostů hotelu
Chlubná, Veronika
Chlubná, V. Privacy and protection of personal data of employees and guests in a hotel. Thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2020. This diploma thesis focuses on the issue of privacy and personal data protec-tion of employees and guests of a hotel in Brno. Review of literature deals with theoretical issues of privacy and personal da-ta protection. In this part of the thesis, it is possible to find the basic concepts, principles and rights of data subjects, data controllers and data processors. The original research part elaborates the issues in relation to the hotel, in-troduces set processes and compares them with legislation. The recommenda-tions provide specific points for improvement if the area has not been set up cor-rectly. All proposals comply with the laws of the Czech Republic, GDPR and other privacy and data protection laws.
Management rizik v informačním systému obce
Gramatová, Nikola
The bachelor thesis provides a theoretical overview of laws and legislative re-quirements for local governments in the field of personal data protection and cyber security related to information systems. The work describes the current state of the selected camera information system and proposes security measures to increase the security of processed information and information infrastructure through which this data is transmitted.
Ochrana osobních údajů ve veřejné správě
Kacrová, Michaela
This bachelor thesis is about protection of personal data in public administration. The first part of the thesis explains the key terms, legislation, rights and obligations of persons involved, a municipality and its activities. The second part of the thesis focuses on a specific municipality. The aim was to provide the municipality with recommendations based on the collected information. Regarding the protection of citizens' personal data, the costs were subsequently calculated.