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Vliv filmových a seriálových postav na formování osobnosti adolescenta v České republice
Fajmonová, Lucie
The central theme of this bachelor thesis are audiovisual media and their influence on adolescents. It also deals with the role of the media in the process of social learning. Goal of theoretical part of the bachelor thesis is to identify and describe the current state of this issue. Also explains what position the movies takes in general educational programs and school programs. The task of the practical part is to prove that the preferred genre TV series in adolescents may affect the perception of the importance of the target values. For data collection is used a quantitative survey. The default tool for data collection is questionnaire created for the purpose of investigation. Findings is heading to recommendations for teaching practice.
Representations of Villains in Disney Movies
DÖBLOVÁ, Kristýna
In the bachelor's thesis the films produced by The Walt Disney Company and the poetics of the characters in these films are analysed. In particular, the representation of negative characters, their construction and characteristics are analyzed. The gender, ethnic and physical poetics of the respective negative characters in comparison with the "opposite", i.e. positive, characters play an important role, not only within the depicted world of the story, but also within the wider cultural and social context and its changes. The thesis focuses on films from the "Disney Renaissance" period and, for comparison, the studio's most recent post-2013 productions.
Development of the Marvel Phenomenon in the Czech Republic
HLAVATÁ, Kateřina
The bachelor's thesis will focus on the ways in which Marvel's comic media has pervaded the Czech cultural space. The first step will be to present how Marvel comics entered the Czech market, while also emphasizing the specifics of Czech reception. Next, the thesis will focus on film adaptations of the comic media and outline how the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe were received in the local context. The final step will outline the image of the Czech fan community, addressing questions about the functioning of the fandom. Thus, the bachelor's thesis will aim to reflect on this global phenomenon within the context of local cultural circumstances.
German Film Industry after 2000 and the Pandemic Crisis
PUPÍK, Šimon
This bachelor thesis deals with the development of German cinematography over the last twenty-five years and examines the impact of the coronavirus crisis in 2020-2021, alternatively 2022. The focus will also be on the topic of diversity and inclusion, with the participation of women and the representation of the LGBTQ+ community in the German film scene being the subject of examination. Alongside other film topics, this bachelor thesis will focus on the structure of the entire film scene, from mass production to alternative works and their promotion in cinemas, as well as basic economic aspects such as the level of state support and cinema attendance. This bachelor thesis also discusses the changes in film trends, such as streaming, and analyses the impact of streaming services on the German cinema. This data is important for assessing the decline in production and screening, as well as the amount of state financial support and its effectiveness.
Slovak propagandistic movies of the fifties
Novajovská, Michaela ; Bednařík, Petr (advisor) ; Štoll, Martin (referee)
The aim of this work is to highlight the films that were released in the 1950s and received the nickname propagandistic films, when all films were based on the doctrine of the socialist regime. During this period, twenty-nine feature films were released in Slovakia, and three will be examined in more detail in this work: Priehrada, Pole neorané, and Drevená dedina. Each is from a different well-known director active during these years. The theoretical part focuses exclusively on propaganda itself and its purpose in the film. The goal of this section is to identify specific propaganda elements in films in Slovakia. It aims to introduce the work of directors working during that period and their works released under the auspices of the Soviet Union. The aim of the practical part of the bachelor thesis is to use film analysis to identify these elements directly in selected films, to highlight the required norms in specific film scenes, and to analyse the characteristic features of construction films.
The story of Josef Hasil in the miniseries The King of Šumava The Phantom of the Dark Land and its media response
Fortuníková, Jana ; Bednařík, Petr (advisor) ; Novotný, David Jan (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with the anti-myth and myth of Josef Hasil, a smuggler from the Šumava region and the most famous bearer of the nickname "King of Šumava". The thesis reflects his image before 1989, which was fundamentally influenced by the famous propaganda film Smugglers of Death (Král Šumavy) from 1959. After the Velvet Revolution, the purification of Hasil's reputation was attempted when his life was being reinterpreted based on facts. His dramatic fate has also been featured in post communist popular culture titles. The most successful representative could be classified as a biographical novel about Josef Hasil called Návrat Krále Šumavy from 2012. The novel inspired narration of three-part miniseries King of Šumava: Phantom of the Dark Region (Král Šumavy: Fantom temného kraje) (2022) produced by a commercial TV station and distributed on its VOD platform Voyo. Both projects present their effort to straighten out the fates of Hasil's life, yet there is admitted fabrication in the story. However, an analysis of the texts of both works shows that the revision of historical reality is not neutral and corresponds to the post communist discourse on the perception of heroes of the third resistance, which can lead to their exclusive glorification and the suppression of discussion about the...
Speaking is silver, silence is golden? Environmentally aesthetic analysis of selected documentary films
Kubena, Martin ; Mašek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Řehořová, Irena (referee)
This master's thesis analyses and compares selected documentary films, "Samsara" and "Before the Flood" which differ mainly in the way of thematization and construction of nature. The analysis is done using the dominant environmental aesthetic concepts - aesthetic engagement and cognitive aesthetics. With the help of an in-depth semiotic analysis, it is examined how the motifs of nature are presented in these different genres of documentary film, what film techniques and techniques are used for this and how this selection influences the perception and evaluation of the depicted nature. What makes this work unique is the connection between film art and environmental aesthetics. Ultimately, understanding how certain genre-conventional films depict nature can contribute to a better understanding of people's relationship with nature. Analysis has shown that the depiction of the aesthetic value of nature is different in both documents, with "Samsara" presenting nature in accordance with the aesthetic engagement, while "Before the Flood" is rather indifferent to the set environmental aesthetic theories. All other findings are found in the Analytical part of the document. Keywords Film, documentary, aesthetics, appreciation, environment, nature, culture, art, sensitivity, knowledge, engagement, Samsara,...

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