Determination of Fracture Mechanical Characteristics From Sub-Size Specimens
Stratil, Luděk ; Džugan, Jan (referee) ; Haušild, Petr (referee) ; Dlouhý, Ivo (advisor)
The standards of fracture toughness determination prescribe size requirements for size of test specimens. In cases of limited amount of test material miniature test specimens offer one from the possibilities of fracture toughness evaluation. Because of small loaded volumes in these specimens at the crack tip the loss of constraint occur affecting measured values of fracture toughness. In such cases the size requirements for valid fracture toughness characteristics determination are not fulfilled. These specimens can be even on limits of load range of test devices and handle manipulation by their small dimensions. The important task related to these specimens is, apart from methodology of their preparation and measurement of deformations, the interpretation of measured values of fracture toughness and their possible correction to standard test specimens. Moreover, in the upper shelf region of fracture toughness quantification and interpretation of size effects is still not resolved sufficiently. This thesis is by its aims experimentally computational study focused on evaluation of size effect on fracture toughness in the upper shelf region. The size effect was quantified by testing of miniature and large specimens’ sizes in order to determine J R curves. Two geometries of miniature test specimens, there point bend specimen and CT specimen, were used. The experimental materials were advanced steels developed for applications in nuclear and power industry, Eurofer97 steel and ODS steel MA956. Finite elements analyses of realized tests together with application of micromechanical model of ductile fracture were carried out in order to evaluate stress strain fields at the crack tip in tested specimens from Eurofer97 steel. By comparison of experimental results and numerical simulations of J R curves the mutual dependencies between geometry of specimens and element sizes at the crack tip were derived. On the basis of acquired relationships, the methodology of J R curve prediction for standard specimen size from limited amount of test material was proposed. Main contribution of thesis is description of effect of material’s fracture toughness level on resistance against ductile crack propagation in miniature specimens. For material where significant crack growth occurs after exceeding the limit values of J integral (Eurofer97), the loss of constraint is considerable and highly decreases resistance against tearing. Miniature specimens then show significantly lower J R curves in comparison with standard size specimens. This effect is the opposite to the behaviour of miniature specimens in transition region. In case of material with low toughness, in which significant crack growth occurs in the region of J integral validity (ODS MA956), the effect of constraint loss is small without large impact on resistance against tearing. In such case miniature specimens demonstrate comparable J R curves as specimens of larger sizes. Next important contribution is proposed methodology for prediction of J R curve from small amount of test material using micromechanical modeling.
Determination of Fracture Mechanical Characteristics From Sub-Size Specimens
Stratil, Luděk ; Džugan, Jan (referee) ; Haušild, Petr (referee) ; Dlouhý, Ivo (advisor)
The standards of fracture toughness determination prescribe size requirements for size of test specimens. In cases of limited amount of test material miniature test specimens offer one from the possibilities of fracture toughness evaluation. Because of small loaded volumes in these specimens at the crack tip the loss of constraint occur affecting measured values of fracture toughness. In such cases the size requirements for valid fracture toughness characteristics determination are not fulfilled. These specimens can be even on limits of load range of test devices and handle manipulation by their small dimensions. The important task related to these specimens is, apart from methodology of their preparation and measurement of deformations, the interpretation of measured values of fracture toughness and their possible correction to standard test specimens. Moreover, in the upper shelf region of fracture toughness quantification and interpretation of size effects is still not resolved sufficiently. This thesis is by its aims experimentally computational study focused on evaluation of size effect on fracture toughness in the upper shelf region. The size effect was quantified by testing of miniature and large specimens’ sizes in order to determine J R curves. Two geometries of miniature test specimens, there point bend specimen and CT specimen, were used. The experimental materials were advanced steels developed for applications in nuclear and power industry, Eurofer97 steel and ODS steel MA956. Finite elements analyses of realized tests together with application of micromechanical model of ductile fracture were carried out in order to evaluate stress strain fields at the crack tip in tested specimens from Eurofer97 steel. By comparison of experimental results and numerical simulations of J R curves the mutual dependencies between geometry of specimens and element sizes at the crack tip were derived. On the basis of acquired relationships, the methodology of J R curve prediction for standard specimen size from limited amount of test material was proposed. Main contribution of thesis is description of effect of material’s fracture toughness level on resistance against ductile crack propagation in miniature specimens. For material where significant crack growth occurs after exceeding the limit values of J integral (Eurofer97), the loss of constraint is considerable and highly decreases resistance against tearing. Miniature specimens then show significantly lower J R curves in comparison with standard size specimens. This effect is the opposite to the behaviour of miniature specimens in transition region. In case of material with low toughness, in which significant crack growth occurs in the region of J integral validity (ODS MA956), the effect of constraint loss is small without large impact on resistance against tearing. In such case miniature specimens demonstrate comparable J R curves as specimens of larger sizes. Next important contribution is proposed methodology for prediction of J R curve from small amount of test material using micromechanical modeling.
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A calibration of Gurson-Tvergaard- Needleman micromechanical model of ductile fracture
Stratil, Luděk ; Hadraba, Hynek ; Šiška, Filip ; Dlouhý, Ivo
Fracture mechanics characteristics of ductile fracture often depend on geometry and size of specimens. A micromechanical modelling of material damage proposes a tool for treatment of geometry and size effects in fracture mechanics. Application of micromechanical model for certain materiál requires a calibration of model‘s parameters. This contribution presents the calibration procedure of Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman model of ductile fracture for Eurofer97 steel. The identification of ductile damage of the steel and its tensile properties at various level of stress triaxiality by testing smooth and notched bars were determined in the previous study. The calibration procedure was performed by hybrid method as a combination of FEA simulations of tensile tests and fractography analyses. The Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman model performance is greatly influenced by true stress-true strain curve of the material.
Study of ductile damage mechanism for Eurofer97 steel
Stratil, Luděk ; Hadraba, Hynek ; Dlouhý, Ivo
The contribution deals with the investigation of ductile damage mechanisms acting in the EUROFER97 steel. For evaluation of material response to various levels of the stress triaxiality the tests on smooth and notched tensile bars were performed. The broken tensile specimens were fractographically and metallographically analyzed and also a quantitative study of mirco-void initiation and nucleation was performed. The more serve conditions of the stress triaxiality in the notched specimens increase the strength characteristics and lower their fracture strain. The nucleation of the voids by decohesion mechanism and gradual void’s growth form substantial part of damage process of the material, finally rapid void coalescence takes place. The higher stress triaxiality promotes growth of voids and on restricts void’s nucleation.
Modelling of ductile fracture for sub-sized three-point-bend geometry
Stratil, Luděk ; Hadraba, Hynek ; Kozák, Vladislav ; Dlouhý, Ivo
The contribution deals with the simulation of R-curve using complete Gurson model of ductile fracture. The R-curve was experimentally determined for a Eurofer97 steel on sub-sized three-point-bend geometry in previous study. To apply complete Gurson model the parameters describing the voids´ behaviour and characteristic length parameter need to be determined. The nucleation parameters were identified by single specimen method of smooth tensile test specimen and from metallographic examination of fracture micro-mechanism. The characteristic length parameter was derived by fitting load versus deflection curves of sub-sized specimens. The simulations of the tests were carried out by software ABAQUS in Standard and Explicit modules. The identification was supported by parametric studies. Comparing experimental and simulated R-curve the ductile tearing was not successfully achieved. Insufficient calibrated parameters as a result non-uniqueness problem of single specimen method were found.
A simulation of R-curve by complete Gurson model
Stratil, Luděk ; Hadraba, Hynek ; Kozák, Vladislav ; Dlouhý, Ivo
The contribution deals with the simulation of R-curve using completed Gruson model of ductile fracture. The R-curve was experimentally determined for a Eurofer97 steel in previous study. The simulations of the tests were carried out by FEM software ABAQUS 6.11 in Standard and Explicit modules. The Gurson parameters were identified by single specimen method of smooth tensile test specimen and from metallographic examination of fracture micro-mechanism. The identification was supported by parametric studies. Comparing experimental and simulated R-curve the ductile tearing was not successfully achieved. Insufficient calibrated parameters as a result non-uniqueness problem of single specimen method were found.