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The need for enteral nutrition in patients after a stroke
Špalková, Šárka ; Vágnerová, Tereza (advisor) ; Klempíř, Jiří (referee)
Introduction: The diploma thesis focuses on the issue of nutritional support for patients after a stroke. Aims: In the theoretical part, the characteristics of ischemic stroke (iCMP) and hemorrhagic stroke (hCMP) were described. Subsequently, risk factors and prevention of stroke were described. The last part of the theory dealt with nutrition and procedures for introducing different types of diets and enteral nutrition in patients after a stroke. The aim of the practical part was to monitor the procedure during the nutrition consultation in patients who have recently experienced one of the events (iCMP or hCMP). Methods: Data for the thesis were obtained at the Neurological Clinic of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and VFN in Prague from February to April 2023. Various nutritional support was retrospectively monitored in patients who experienced an ischemic stroke and a hemorrhagic stroke. The duration of hospitalization, height, weight, BMI, age and associated diseases were also determined for the patients. Data processing and statistical evaluation was done in Microsoft Excel. Results: The study compared different types of nutritional support in 51 patients who were hospitalized in one intensive care unit and three standard wards. Most patients (49%) were only prescribed a...
The role of sipping in the nutritional support of geriatric patients
Ondrová, Ellen ; Vágnerová, Tereza (advisor) ; Mádlová, Pavla (referee)
Introduction: Malnutrition is a significant problem in old age. Malnutrition is present in 30 - 70 % of hospitalized elderly and its consequences are severe. Systematic screening and early treatment are essential to ensure and maintain good health in the elderly and are an integral part of overall geriatric care. Nutritional support with sipping - oral nutriti- onal supplements (ONS) is one of the basic approaches in the management of malnutriti- on in geriatric patients. Aim of the thesis: The main aim of this thesis was to evaluate the intake of sipping in geri- atric patients and to monitor possible pitfalls in its use. To answer the main objective, four research questions were set to provide the following answers: 1. What proportion of the total energy intake (CEP) of a patient is from diet and from sipping, and how does gender and age affect energy intake from sipping ? 2. What proportion does dietary and sipping protein make up of the patient's prescribed intake? 3. Will the diet, including sipping, cover the patient's energy and protein needs? 4. Will patients drink their prescribed dose of sipping, and will certain factors such as education by the nutritional therapist and ability to eat affect the patient's in- take of sipping? Research methods: Quantitative research in the form of data...
Knowledge of nurses in domain of nursing care for patients with enteral nutrition
Zemanová, Veronika ; Tomová, Šárka (advisor) ; Hromádková, Jaroslava (referee)
The bachelor's thesis deals with the knowledge of nurses in the field of nursing care for patients with enteral nutrition. The work is divided into two parts, the theoretical part and empirical part. The aim of the final thesis is to map the knowledge of nurses in the field of enteral nutrition. Alternatively, increase awareness through professional training of nurses and prevent adverse effects in the administration of enteral nutrition that may occur with inappropriate nursing procedures in patients with enteral nutrition. The theoretical part of the bachelor's thesis deals with the types and types of artificial nutrition, methods of application, its indications and contraindications, and possible complications that may arise during the administration of enteral nutrition to patients. The empirical part of the final thesis is processed by quantitative research, it contains the results of a research investigation and subsequent comparison with the results of similar works. Method: Questionnaire survey - based on a non-standardized questionnaire survey that was anonymized. Results: A total of 140 questionnaires were distributed. In the end, 102 respondents took part in the entire survey. The return rate from the total number of questionnaires was 72,85%. Most of the respondents 99 (97,06%) have a...
Patients tolerance of sipping in a hospital facility (quantity, product type, duration of administration, flavors)
MRAČNOVÁ, Karolína
The bachelor thesis entitled "Tolerance of sipping in patients in a hospital facility (amount, type of preparation, duration of administration, flavours)" is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The main objective of the bachelor thesis was to map the tolerance of sipping in patients in a hospital setting and to further assess the reasons why sipping is not tolerated in some patients. The theoretical part focuses on malnutrition, nutritional status examination, enteral nutrition and oral nutritional supplements. The practical part focused on mapping the tolerance of sipping in patients in the internal medicine and oncology wards. How well the respondents tolerated sipping in terms of duration of use, flavour, type of product and quantity was investigated. A quantitative method in the form of a self-constructed questionnaire was used for the study. The practical part includes the analysis of the questionnaire data and the analysis of the diets from several patients. The data obtained were processed using Microsoft Excel and Nutriservis Professional. From the analyzed data, it was found that approximately 1/3 of the respondents did not tolerate sipping well. These were mainly patients who had been taking the products for less than 7 days. Sipping was best tolerated by informants who were indicated to take 1-2 preparations per day. The majority of respondents had no favourite or disliked sipping flavours and therefore tolerability cannot be assessed regarding flavour. Among the respondents, the milk type preparation was the best tolerated. The most common reason for poor tolerance of sipping was its taste and, to a greater extent, indigestion. Not being able to try multiple types of preparations and flavours from different companies also had an impact on poorer tolerability for some respondents. In addition, inadequate temperature and lack of familiarity of patients with the principles of proper sipping use may have had a negative impact on tolerance of product administration.
Theory and Practice in the Care of Patients with Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy
NOVOTNÁ, Štěpánka
The bachelor thesis deals with the care of patients with percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. It is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part describes enteral nutrition, malnutrition, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, and nursing care. The practical part includes processing and evaluation of the results obtained in the research investigation. Two objectives were set for the bachelor thesis. The first objective was to determine the level of knowledge in nursing care of the PEG patient. The second objective was to determine whether nurse working in the selected wards follow the procedures according to the standards of nursing care when treating PEG. To meet the objectives, a semi-structured interview was chosen which included twenty-three questions. Interviews were conducted with ten nurses in the internal medicine and oncology wards treating patients with PEG. The results support the fact that the level of education and length of experience influence the nursing care of the percutaneous endoscopy gastrostomy patients. It was found that some probands do patient preparation before PEG insertion and patient care on day 1 of PEG insertion. The probands are able to administer nutrition, care for the puncture area and administer medications and fluids into the probe. Problems were encountered in suctioning of gastric contents and rotation of the cannula. Most probands adhere to the department 's standard and continue to educate themselves with the help of seminars, books, or the internet. Afterwards, the interviews revealed that probands mostly encountered complications such as redness around the puncture site or pulling out the PEG probe. It was also investigated how nurses record nursing care in the documentation and how they educate the family or the patient upon discharge to home care.
Use of sipping in care.
The bachelor's thesis is dedicated to the use of sipping in healthcare. It evaluates sipping by hospitalized patients and nurse's cooperation with nutritional therapists and their general awareness. The most common cause of inability to eat are extensive surgery, injuries, tumours, or infections. After intestinal peristalsis is restored, it is possible to start taking enteral nutrition and one of the procedures is to use sipping. Sipping is a liquid supplement with a precisely defined composition of nutrients. Sipping does not replace food, as some are frequently mistaken it only complements the basic diet. Sipping supplements are intended for drinking between meals and are widely available at the pharmacy. This bachelor thesis is divided into theoretical and empirical parts. The aim of this work is to map non-medical healthcare professional's sipping knowledge and to investigate whether they use sipping as a supplement in their patient's treatments. Three hypotheses were established for these purposes. The bachelor's empirical part dealt with confirmation or refusal of these established hypotheses. For this thesis, I chose a quantitative method of data collection which was in the form of a questionnaire survey in three selected subjects. All data then were transferred to Microsoft Excel and sent to statistician who processed and evaluated it. The results are presented in this thesis. The research revealed that the collaboration between nutritional therapists and non-medical health professionals is not as sufficient as I thought it should be. Majority of nurses are aware of the term sipping and have basic knowledge. In the patient wards sipping is used as a dietary supplement, but the benefit of sipping as a treatment is rarely evaluated.
Care of the diet for pacients in an Anesthesiologic-resuscitation unit
This Bachelor Thesis is on the problems with care about the nutrition for patients at anesthesiologic-resuscitation unit. The oftenest causes of disability to get meals normally in the acute medicine are: extensive operations, injuries, tumors or infections. From the beginning the patient must be fed only parenterally. After the regeneration of the intestinal passage the intestinal tract is loaded only parenterally. So, it is very important to choose proper methods to make their effect the largest. This thesis is divided into two parts: the theoretical and the empiric. The objective of this work is to map care about the nutrition for patients at anesthesiologic-resuscitation unit. For this aim we determinated the following questions: How do nurses at anesthesiologic-resuscitation unit take care about patients with parenteral nutrition? How do nurses at anesthesiologic-resuscitation unit take care about patients with enteral nutrition? For the realization of the empiric part of the thesis we choose qualitative research investigations. The collection of data was carried out by means of demi-structured dialogues wit nurses. The dialogues were rewrote to Microsoft Word 2016 word for word. Thus, obtained information was coded and then categorizied. The research investigation took place during April 2020. The research showed that nurses have enough knowledge of the problem with nutrition and they will manage to take care about patients with parenteral and enteral nutrition. We found out that at anesthesiologic-resuscitation unit parenteral nutrition is primarily launched and that is mostly through central venous catether or exceptionally through peripheral venous catether. After the stabilization the patient gradually moves on to the enteral nutrition in the form of so-called sipping up to the total applying the enteral nutrition more often through nasogastric tube or oral. The results of the search are realized in the project of the seminary for nurses which will be used for the deepening of their knowledge about these problems.
Evaluation of nitrogen balance with respect to the administered parenteral and enteral nutrition and the composition of the body in critically ill patients
Vaňková, Martina ; Hronek, Miloslav (advisor) ; Havel, Eduard (referee)
The aim of this thesis was to identify and assess the nitrogen balance due to the field of nutritional support, body composition, energy expenditure, utilization of nutritional substrates and their changes during the hospitalization. Nitrogen balance was determined in 12 men and one woman (age 44 ± 16,4 years) with multiple injuries (ISS 40 ± 11) in the ICU based on 2 measurements in the time interval of 1-7 days, as the difference between the received and the ecrected nitrogen. The energy expenditure and nutritional substrate utilization nutritional indirect calorimetry, body composition analysis and blood chemistry laboratory were examined at patients. Correlation analysis revealed dependence between nitrogen balance and other monitored parameters and also dependence on the length of their trauma. Total protein intake averaged 1,40 ± 0,69 .d-1 . At this dose were recorded negative values of nitrogen balance in the first measurement of the 9-patients and in the second measurement of the whole group. In this work also the results of uptake of parenteral and enteral route were compared. In practice, significant correlations were found between total uptake and energy expenditure (p = 6,31.10-3 ; r = 0,6) in the first measurement, and on the other hand negative correlation during the second...
The Nutrition Day at the standard and intensive care beds in the teaching hospital
Lupoměská, Petra ; Meisnerová, Eva (advisor) ; Novák, František (referee)
The Bachelor thesis consists of two parts - the theoretical and the practical one. The theoretical part is divided into several chapters; the first one is focused on the main information about malnutrition such as its definition, prevalence, classification, causes, impact and the methods of diagnosing. The following chapter describes the algorithm for nutritional care; the rest of the chapters deal with the artificial nutrition, where the indications, contraindications, complications and other essential information related to enteral and parenteral nutrition are described. The practical part is dedicated to the worldwide programme "Nutrition day" and also to the evaluation of the data given by patients of the 4th internal clinic VFN in Prague during the programme. The research part was carried out on grounds of quantitative survey through a standardized questionnaire. There are two aims to the study; the first one was to find out the food intake of all patients of the 4th internal clinic. This goal was not accomplished, because not every patient placed in the standard ward was willing to complete the questionnaire. However, the study showed that only 29 % out of 62 patients who completed the questionnaire ate the whole portion of meal. The second aim was to find out if the daily calorie intake...

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