National Repository of Grey Literature 387 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Implementation of a monitoring system for active components in the university environment
Ferko, Patrik ; Sedlák, Petr (referee) ; Ondrák, Viktor (advisor)
The thesis focuses on the selection and implementation of a monitoring system in a university environment to ensure reliable monitoring and management of network devices. The introductory part of the thesis provides an overview of the current status of the selected university, its monitoring requirements and the theoretical background in network monitoring. The implementation section details the selection of a suitable monitoring system and the identification of the main threats affecting the university's network. This is followed by the setup of the selected monitoring system, which includes the initial loading of devices from the NetBox documentation system. In addition, this section describes the configuration of monitoring probes, notification mechanisms, and assignment of privileges for user groups.
Computer network design for a metal stamping plant
Daněk, Michal ; Martin,, BERKA (referee) ; Ondrák, Viktor (advisor)
The bachelor thesis focuses on the design of a computer network for a metal stamping plant. The first part of the thesis contains theoretical background. The second part contains an analysis of the current state of the network in the company. These first two parts were then used as a basis for the design of the new computer network, which is included in the third and final part along with an economic evaluation.
The Polyclinic Area Computer Network Design
Langer, Šimon ; Tomáš,, ČTVRTŇÁK (referee) ; Ondrák, Viktor (advisor)
The subject of the thesis is the elaboration of a comprehensive design of unified communication system for the polyclinic complex in the town of Uničov. The first part of the thesis is devoted to summarizing the theoretical background of communication network issues. The second part analyses a study of the planned reconstruction of the complex and presents the investor's requirements for the final form of the proposed solution. The third part deals with the elaboration of the communication infrastructure design. Finally, the thesis concludes with a proposal for the configuration of selected active network components and a proposal for project management of the communication infrastructure implementation, including economic evaluation.
Enterprise Infrastructure Design on PoF Technology
Pilát, Jan ; MBA, Vlastimil Svoboda (referee) ; Sedlák, Petr (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis focuses on the potential use of plastic optical fibers (POF) as a replacement for metallic cabling. The first part is dedicated to the history and development of these fibers, the second part compares their properties with commonly used cables, the third part describes the basic network elements and the fundamentals of network security, and the fourth part focuses on a practical project using this cabling and evaluates its economic aspect and overall utility derived from the project.
Web application for automated network design
Grenčík, Dominik ; Dvořák, Jan (referee) ; Kubánková, Anna (advisor)
This master thesis focuses on creating a web application for the automated design of computer networks in the context of the rapid development of information technologies and their crucial role in the business environment. The work consists of theoretical and practical parts, with the theoretical part addressing the development of web applications, necessary programming languages, and tools, as well as the theory of computer networks and their design. The practical section includes the design and implementation of the backend with a relational database and the frontend with a description of components and functionality. The developed web application demonstrates how automated network design contributes to efficient planning and implementation of computer networks.
Design Computer Network in a Family House
Vala, Lukáš ; Dvořák, Petr (referee) ; Ondrák, Viktor (advisor)
This thesis deals with the entire network in a new house. The first part deals with the analysis of the current state of the house, the possibilities and requirements of the investor. The second part focuses on theoretical foundations. The third part deals with the design solutions and requirements for implementation.
The Project of Computr Network of Classroom Hight School
Brabcová, Kateřina ; Axmann, Miloš (referee) ; Ondrák, Viktor (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis is conurned with a universal wiring network model of classrooms at high school. The thesis contains an analysis of the current situation and the company’s requirements. Is describes a technical solution of the cabling system, which comes out from a theoretical concept based on corresponding standards.
Hardware acceleration of packet classification using TC Flower
Benc, Marek ; Fujcik, Lukáš (referee) ; Libich, Jiří (advisor)
Sdružení CESNET vyvíjí vysokorychlostní programovatelné síťové karty COMBO (aktuálně až s dvěma 100Gbps porty) zaměřené na analýzu a zpracování síťových dat. Karty obsahují FPGA čip, který dovoluje uživatelům přesně definovat způsob, jakým má být síťový provoz zpracován. Jedno z možných využití těchto karet je jako síťový přepínač pro virtuální stroje v data centru. Tato práce je zaměřená na implementaci podpory TC Flower offloadu pro karty COMBO (software a FPGA firmware). Jedná se o všeobecné rozhraní pro instalaci flow pravidel typu shoda+akce do SmartNICů, a dovoluje nám použít je pro správu síťového provozu mezi virtuálními stroji a vnějším světem. Cílem je úspora procesorových cyklů hostitelského stroje.
Network Infrastructure Design for Family House
Svoboda, Milan ; Jordán, Vilém (referee) ; Ondrák, Viktor (advisor)
This thesis deals with the network infrastructure design for family house. The default aspects for the design of network infrastructure are house plans and requirements of the client. The work presents the theoretical knowledge necessary for further analysis of client requirements and design optimal solution. Part of the work are cabling plans, location of active elements and cost calculations to build the network infrastructure.
Secure, reliable and adaptive network based on Cisco devices
Lefler, Přemysl ; Komosný, Dan (referee) ; Kubánková, Anna (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with design of secure, reliable and adaptive network using Cisco network devices. Thesis includes design of a network with description of each individual technology, that were used in the design to meet requirements for safety, reliability and adaptivity. The last chapter describes frequently occuring network attacks along with a description of their execution followed by implementation of defense against them.

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