Complements parcels "ZE" to "ISKN"
Bláhová, Marie ; Beran, Vít (referee) ; Fišer, Zdeněk (advisor)
This Bachelor thesis deals with different ways of filing plots of the simplified land inventory in the cadastre information system. First there is information on the origin and evolution of cadastre of real estates. The next part deals with bulk filing of plots of the simplified land inventory in the cadastre information system, i.e. different types of renewal of cadastral documents and maps and filing plots of simplified land inventory separately or in group to ISKN. The conclusion of the thesis gives assessment of each method.
The revision of the cadastre in the cadastral unit of Jundrov
Kubíčková, Alena ; Matějík, Miroslav (referee) ; Berková, Alena (advisor)
This thesis deals with the revision of the cadastre data in the cadastral area of Jundrov. The area of interest is only a part of the cadastral territory, which is classified by the Cadastral Office Brno - město. The revision of the cadastre data was carried out in accordance with Section 35 of Act no. 256/2013 Sb. on Real Estate Cadastre (Cadastral Act) and Section 43 of Act no. 357/2013 Sb. on land registry (cadastral decree). The result of the master’s thesis is a copy of the cadastral map with inconsistencies drawn, a list of discrepancies found, annexes to the protocol on the result of revision of the cadastre data.
Renewal of cadastral documents and maps in Area Březinka
Vodvárková, Lenka ; Ing.Pavel Šváb (referee) ; Kutálek, Stanislav (advisor)
In this bachelor thesis I solve the process of making a cadastral map digitized from an analogue map by readjustment of a cadastral map which is in the local coordinate system into the Datum of Uniform Trigonometric Cadastral Network in the cadastral area of Březinka in this bachelor thesis. The first part is focused on general digitalization of cadastral maps. The second part describes the processing of graphic file by MicroGEOS Nautil software. In the conclusion of the thesis I am concerned with the problems of objection proceeding and the application of cadastral documents and maps into the system of ISKN. The new digitied map will be formed by the digitization of the cadastral map which will be kept in the system of ISKN and connected witch the set of descriptive information.
The revision of the cadastre in the cadastral unit of Jundrov
Kubíčková, Alena ; Matějík, Miroslav (referee) ; Berková, Alena (advisor)
This thesis deals with the revision of the cadastre data in the cadastral area of Jundrov. The area of interest is only a part of the cadastral territory, which is classified by the Cadastral Office Brno - město. The revision of the cadastre data was carried out in accordance with Section 35 of Act no. 256/2013 Sb. on Real Estate Cadastre (Cadastral Act) and Section 43 of Act no. 357/2013 Sb. on land registry (cadastral decree). The result of the master’s thesis is a copy of the cadastral map with inconsistencies drawn, a list of discrepancies found, annexes to the protocol on the result of revision of the cadastre data.
Renewal of cadastral documents and maps in Area Březinka
Vodvárková, Lenka ; Ing.Pavel Šváb (referee) ; Kutálek, Stanislav (advisor)
In this bachelor thesis I solve the process of making a cadastral map digitized from an analogue map by readjustment of a cadastral map which is in the local coordinate system into the Datum of Uniform Trigonometric Cadastral Network in the cadastral area of Březinka in this bachelor thesis. The first part is focused on general digitalization of cadastral maps. The second part describes the processing of graphic file by MicroGEOS Nautil software. In the conclusion of the thesis I am concerned with the problems of objection proceeding and the application of cadastral documents and maps into the system of ISKN. The new digitied map will be formed by the digitization of the cadastral map which will be kept in the system of ISKN and connected witch the set of descriptive information.
Complements parcels "ZE" to "ISKN"
Bláhová, Marie ; Beran, Vít (referee) ; Fišer, Zdeněk (advisor)
This Bachelor thesis deals with different ways of filing plots of the simplified land inventory in the cadastre information system. First there is information on the origin and evolution of cadastre of real estates. The next part deals with bulk filing of plots of the simplified land inventory in the cadastre information system, i.e. different types of renewal of cadastral documents and maps and filing plots of simplified land inventory separately or in group to ISKN. The conclusion of the thesis gives assessment of each method.