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Udržitelný cestovní ruch v oblasti CHKO Pálava
Kloučková, Denisa
The bachelor thesis deals with the evaluation of sustainability in tourism in the protected area of Pálava. Thesis includes two literature rewiews on the topic of ,,sustainable development" and ,, sustainable tourism", characteristics of the protected area of Pálava. For the evaluation of sustainable tourism were analyzed development and strategic documents of CHKO Pálava Administration, micro-region Mikulovsko and micro-region of Lednicko-valtický areál. Further was realized questionnaire and analyzed of the level of tourism in the Pálava.
Realizace plánu péče - CHKO Pálava
Klimeš, Jakub
The work is written on the theme of the landscape protection of area Pálava. There is a written general topic about on protection, management plan, wider conditions, territory charakteristic and occurrence of plants and animals. And then it solved the management plan of care the national nature reserve Děvín-Kotel-Soutěska. The management plan of care describes the action and situations that are needed to preseve the natural landscape. The plan of care is made for 10 years. In the future , i tis necessary to follow and solved the procedures desribed. There are a lot of animals and plants in the area that are only on this territory. The side is international protection and is therefore so valuable. We find here communities of forests, wetlands, steppes, meadows and rocks.
Vliv chráněných krajinných oblastí na rozvoj regionu
Buchtová, Martina
The diploma thesis is focused on the Protected Landscape Areas in the Czech Republic and on the limitations resulting from the statute of conservation. The existence of protected areas is often seen as a barrier to any development of the area by public and stakeholders, as is evidenced by resistance to declaration of PLA Soutok. Thesis deals with verification of the arguments that have been raised during negotiations on the declaration of a protected area near to the confluence of the Morava and Thaya rivers. These objections were verified mainly based on interviews with representatives of municipalities, which are located in already existing protected areas, the managers of the PLA administrations, representatives of forest managers and with the help of a questionnaire survey in the affected municipalities. Through a few questions, it was investigated whether the nature and landscape conservation really means certain restrictions, or whether it is merely a relic handed down.
Využití Malaiseho pasti pro monitoring hmyzu
Petrová, Karolína
The bachelor's thesis deals with usage of the Malaise trap for monitoring of beetles (Coleoptera). The literature review focuses and provides available information of the topic. The main aim is usage for various purposes; such as study of biodiversity, fauna researches or insect monitoring and its flight activity. It sums up information of numerous orders of Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera. The empirical examples are set by an experiment which was performed in area of the National nature reserve Děvín in the Pálava Protected Landscape Area; the experiment conducted of combined usage of Malaise traps along with flight interception traps. The thesis compares the taxocenosis of bugs caught by each type of trap. By comparative methods there were discovered significant differences in taxocenosis and abundance of bugs which is further presented in the discussion and the conclusion.
Mapování sakrálních památek v CHKO Pálava
Prokešová, Veronika
Prokešová, V. Mapping of sacral monuments on the territory of the Pálava Protected Landscape Area. Bacherol thesis. Brno, 2020. This bacherol thesis deals with the occurrence of sacral monumets, which are lo-cated in the protected landscape area. These are especially the monuments that have been assigned to the most widespread religion, called Christianity. The the-sis is focused mainly on small sacral monuments located nearby bikeways or vil-lages. During the mapping was find out where the sacral monuments are located and what effect they have on tourism. I dealt with the issue in the Czech Republic, but also abroad.
Influence of the specific location - Pálava Protected Landscape Area on the price of land
Fuxová, Linda ; Hlavinková, Vítězslava (referee) ; Doležalová, Monika (advisor)
The subject of the thesis is the research and evaluation of factors that influence the price of building land in the protected landscape area Pálava. Firstly, the basic concepts related to the topic are explained and a literature search is conducted on a similar topic. Subsequently, a database of land plots is created based on properties sold according to the Land Registry between 2014 and 2024. Then, for each plot, the individual factors are identified. In the research part, the statistical significance of each factor is evaluated using multivariate linear regression analysis. The evaluation is carried out in Gretl. The results are compared with the predetermined hypotheses. Finally, the best and highest land use in the database is assessed by analysing the land use plans of each municipality.

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