Zdanění kryptoměn v České republice
Hajná, Veronika
This diploma thesis explores the taxation of cryptocurrencies. The aim of the work is to evaluate the effectiveness and suggest adjustments to the taxation policy of cryptocurrencies in the Czech Republic. The effectiveness is evaluated based on comparative analysis of selected member states of the EU. The results show that the Czech Republic is the only state which does not have a legal framework (a law) for cryptocurrency taxation. The text also includes examples demonstrating the key issues and their solution. The outcome of this thesis is a proposed solution for taxation of cryptocurrency income which covers the main issues and the lack of effectiveness
Model ocenenia virtuálnej meny
Martiček, Matúš
Bachalor thesis defines main factors, that influence final value of digital currency Bitcoin. By means of comparing bitcoin with traditional currencies and other assets are defined differences, which exist among them. He points out the fact, that it is necessary to look at Bitcoin from different perspectives in order to value its price. Based on this fact, are created two models which value Bitcoin. First model is created on whole network's level and he reflects market price of Bitcoin. Second model is specified according to conditions of individual miner. By creating this model, it is possible to explain individual fundaments necessary for mining. By author is characterised and eventually included to these specific valuation models impact of demand on this currency, which has significant impact on its value.
Účetní a daňové aspekty kryptoměn
Bubík, Ondřej
Bubík, O. Accounting and tax aspects of cryptocurrencies. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2022. Diploma thesis focuses on accounting involving cryptocurrencies and their taxation. It provides an insight into the current legal framework of these assets. The existing formulations are not entirely clear and are rather recommended practices by the CNB, Financial Analytical Office, Ministry of Finance, etc. The first part of the thesis elaborates the theoretical background and also incorporates a comparative analysis of the accounting and tax aspects of cryptocurrencies in the Netherlands. Its output is a proposal for practical solutions to the accounting and tax issues of cryptocurrencies in the country in accordance with domestic legislation.
Bitcoin jako platební a investiční nástroj
Tran, Thi Thu Ha
Tran, T. T. H. Bitcoin as instrument for payment and investment. Bachelor thesis. Mendel University, 2016. The submitted Bachelor thesis aims to formulate a recommendation for potential user and investor in Czech Republic. The first past is focused on basics of cryptography, principles of Bitcoin, its regulation and Bitcoin's price development from its beginning. The second part is about Bitcoin's use as instrument for foreign payment and its use as instrument for investment.
Využití kryptoměnových plateb v obchodní činnosti
Matis, Vaclav
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are beginning to be commonly used on a daily basis. The work deals with the principle of operation of Bitcoin. It shows the pro-perties of Bitcoin and compares it with the properties of gold and classical money. The work contains information concerning the deposition of cryptocurrencies. The author describes in which countries and in which places cryptocurrencies can be applied. The thesis describes that cryptocurrency cards can be used instead of or-dinary payment cards and compares their conditions. Furthermore, there is a com-parison of payment systems that are able to receive cryptocurrencies. It also describes how income from cryptocurrencies is taxed.
Bitcoin jako možný nástupce dnešních měn
Hanko, Milan
In the literature review, I summed up the evolution of the monetary system, evaluate portfolio of cryptocurrencies and detailed description of what Bitcoin is, how it works and how it developed over time. In the practical part I evaluate views on the future growth of Bitcoin, I analyzed the law regulation of Bitcoin in several countries and reviewed aspects of security. After that I made the selected cryptocurrencies comparison with Bitcoin. I processed the analysis on the basis of liquidity and risk. I summarize the main advantages. At the end I declared the evaluation report regarding whether Bitcoin is an adequate and possible replacement of today´s currencies.
Attitudes of Czech Political Parties on Crypto Assets
Kern, Lukáš ; Stauber, Jakub (advisor) ; Cirhan, Tomáš (referee)
The Czech Republic is going to approve the European-wide MiCA regulation, that regulates crypto assets in all member states of the European Union. So far, Czech political parties have not expressed their opinion toward crypto assets, even though there are many successful active companies within this sector in the Czech Republic. The main goal of this thesis is to find out the views of Czech political parties on the regulation of crypto assets and the MiCA. In order to achieve this goal, there were several in-depth interviews carried out with politicians and representatives of companies that do business in the crypto sector. Additionally, publicly available sources shared by the political subjects were examined. According to the gathered information, there is no political party, that addresses the topic of crypto assets thoroughly. However, there are individual politicians from parties ODS, TOP 09, ANO 2011, and Piráti, who devote their time to the topic of crypto assets, and they are aware of the main issues within the current solution. It is a question, whether they will find political support within their political parties to improve the local conditions and smooth implementation of MiCA regulation.
Impact of European Central Bank and Federal Reserve System statements on cryptocurrency markets via sentiment analysis
Krejcar, Vilém ; Krištoufek, Ladislav (advisor) ; Čech, František (referee)
This study explores the impact of public statements from major central banks, specifically the FED and the ECB, on Bitcoin volatility from 2018 to 2021. Utilizing high-frequency data, we computed Bitcoin's volatility and extracted sentiment scores from the central banks' communications using two methods: the FinBERT language model and the state-of-the-art Generative AI GPT-4 model with tailored prompt. The GPT-4 model, capturing more nuanced senti- ment from text, was deemed superior. Our analysis involved comparing various models, with the HAR model emerging as the most e ective for this study. The research findings are particularly significant: negative sentiment from the ECB during the pandemic was associated with immediate and significant increases in Bitcoin volatility, indicating a market reaction of caution when faced with negative emission. These findings highlight the significant impact of central bank sentiment on Bitcoin volatility, confirming the initial hypothesis of this research. Additionally, the results provide a motivation to incorporate Genera- tive Artificial Intelligence into academic research as a tool for uncovering novel insights. JEL Classification C32, C55, C58, E58, G15 Keywords central banks, sentiment analysis, volatility, Bit- coin, GenAI, HAR, FED, ECB Title Impact of European...
Peer Analysis in the Cryptocurrency Networks
Jeřábek, Vladimír ; Grégr, Matěj (referee) ; Veselý, Vladimír (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to create a tool that will collect relevant information about active nodes in a Bitcoin peer-to-peer network. We are able to collect important data for more detailed analysis by monitoring the behavior of individual nodes on the network . The proposed solution uses unmodified Bitcoin Core client, which connects to all reachable nodes on the network. The platform has modular design, which offers good scaling as well. Created BiNMo tool (Bitcoin Network Monitor) also employs simple visualization of gathered data. The correct functionality of the monitoring platform was verified in the real operation, where it was monitoring Bitcoin network for more than two months. During that time, BiNMon parsed over 12 TiB of network data and stored over 270 GiB of metadata about active nodes. The entire platform can be deployed within a few minutes, thanks to Docker containerization.
An Empirical Testing of CAPM Model on Crypto Currency Market
Bařina, Petr-Lev ; Michalíková, Eva (referee) ; Doubravský, Karel (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce zkoumá aplikaci Modelu ocenění kapitálových aktiv (CAPM) na trhu s kryptoměnami. Práce zkoumá proveditelnost CAPM na tomto nově vznikajícím trhu, s důrazem na konstrukci efektivní hranice, tangenciálního portfolio, portfolia s minimální variancí a testování beta koeficientů. Pomocí kvantitativních metod tato práce hodnotí lineárnost beta koeficientů a vliv nesystematického risku na návratnost a posuzuje platnost předpokladů CAPM. Aplikace modelu je testována na tržním portfoliu a srovnávacího portfolia a výsledky jsou porovnány. Tato empirická analýza přispívá k pochopení aplikace tradičních finančních modelů na trzích s digitálními aktivy.