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Specifics in the pronunciation of phonemes /b d g/ by Czech learners of Spanish and their training in the classroom
The bachelor thesis focuses on the pronunciation of the phonemes /b,d,g/ in Czech learners of Spanish. The research deals with the analysis of the most frequent errors and deviations in the pronunciation of these phonemes caused by the interference of the mother tongue. The thesis describes the phonetic and phonological system of both languages, the interference from Czech to Spanish. The empirical research consists in the analysis of recordings of Czech high school students of Spanish using phonetic transcription and the PRAAT program. The results of the research can contribute to understanding the problem of why students make certain mistakes and to improving the development of pronunciation teaching methods.
Návrh interiéru předsíně
Vymazalová, Alena
The bachelor thesis deals with the interior of the nowadays halls. The introduction of the theoretical part briefly describes the history of the hall. Next part of the theory is the description of the main functions of the hall, standards, hygienic and ergonomic requirements related to this room. In theoretical part is also a description of the furniture of the hall and their variants. There is also a chapter devoted to walls and floors and their use in the hallway. The theory of lighting and the use of colors is briefly described. The practical part of the thesis deals with the analysis of three halls, a summary of their advantages and shortcomings. Last part of this thesis is the new design of the selected hallway.
Zahradnická centra v ČR
Bělochová, Eliška
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of horticultural centers in the Czech Republic. The aim of the work is to create a methodology for evaluating horticultural centers, statistically evaluate the latest findings and on the basic of this information to design a system of measures for the model object Horticultural Center Mělnická zeleň. The evaluation methodology aims to find out information about the sales range, price preferential conditions in horticultural centers, the availability of horticultural centers within public transport, sales opportunities that are used in horticultural centers and promotional tools. The model garden´s center will be evaluated using the same method. The results will be compared and then system measures will be determined, which will be targeted at the next category.
Analýza českého a německého trhu v oblasti přípravků k tlumení varroózy
Půst, Petr
The bachelor's thesis focuses on the control of varroosis with the help of chemicals and their economic evaluation in the beekeeping industry. To understand the problematics, the theoretical part of the work includes chapters on the characteristics of varroosis of the honey bee and its various methods of control in beekeeping. The main essence of the work lies in the assessment of the varroacids used in terms of their application and complex action, especially on bees and bee products. Furthermore, the situation regarding the conducted beekeeping policy in the Czech Republic, which largely contributes to the way of controlling this serious disease, is described. The practical part of the bachelor's thesis is devoted to comparing the range of varroosis control products on the Czech and German markets. It also examines the products used in the Czech Republic in terms of prices, distribution and national economy. The output of the work is a comprehensive economic assessment of chemicals in the Czech Republic.
Evropský trh s javorovým (Acer spp.) dřívím: zhodnocení současné situace a posouzení jeho potenciálního širšího využití
Musil, Pavel
The aim of the bachelor thesis was in the first part to describe the maple (Acer spp.). It concerns these three species - maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.), maple (Acer Platanoides L.) and baby maple (Acer campestre L.). The second part was focused on obtaining and comparing data on maple wood (Acer spp.) from selected European countries. All data, especially regarding prices, are then processed into graphs and tables and statically evaluated in order to make comparisons between countries and assess the current situation. As part of the methodological procedure, data collection was carried out, which took place by directly contacting companies, forest administrations or from publicly available sources, for example on Internet trading companies. In terms of the results obtained, a high differentiation of domestic and foreign prices for maple wood was found, especially prices in Slovenia. Through this difference, it would be appropriate to reconsider the approach to maple in the Czech Republic.
Vybrané aspekty cestovního ruchu v Jihomoravském kraji
Spáčil, Lukáš
The bachelor thesis, 'Selected Aspects of Tourism in the South Moravian Region,' deals with evaluating the development of tourism in that area. Its aim is to assess tourism documents in the context of the actual tourism growth in the South Moravian Region. The findings indicate that the real development of tourism in this region aligns with the initial framework outlined in the strategic documents of the South Moravian Region. To reach this conclusion, the thesis employs the strategic documents of the South Moravian Region, structured correspondence interviews, and other related documents. The identified problems in the South Moravian Region are the state of transport infrastructure and high prices that exist.

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