National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Representation of women in parliamentary political parties in the Czech Republic and in France since 2017
Součková, Alžběta ; Perottino, Michel (advisor) ; Guasti, Petra (referee)
This thesis focuses on parliamentary political parties in the Czech Republic and in France in the period since the 2017 legislative elections in both countries. It looks at the different attitudes and approaches of political parties towards women's representation. In addition to the historical context of the two countries and each political party, it also presents the long-term factors that influence the representation of women in political parties. Such factors include a country's political culture, the existence of women's party organizations, or the intra-party setting of quotas for women's representation. Institutional arrangements set from outside are also an important factor, with the parity law having impact on French political parties. The following analysis of different political environments attempts to capture these and other factors affecting women's representation and their practical manifestations. First, the party positions in the period under study are analyzed, followed by the candidate lists for the 2017 legislative elections and the results of these elections, i.e. the ratio of male and female occupancy of parliamentary seats and senior positions. Next, the elections to the upper chambers and women running for the office of the President of the Republic are approached. The...
The Comparison of Sports Sections of the Czech Daily Newspapers (Blesk, Lidové noviny, Deník)
Kotrla, Tomáš ; Záruba, Robert (advisor) ; Trunečka, Ondřej (referee)
The diploma thesis treats sports journalism in the Czech press. It aims to compare sports sections of three Czech daily newspapers - Blesk, Lidové noviny, and Deník (represented by Moravskoslezský deník as a suitable regional variant) by quantitative content analysis according to eight criteria: percentual representation of genres, sports, topics, number of photos, representation of sportsmen and journalists based on their gender, forms of authorship and proportion of sport-oriented articles outside the sports sections and compare it with results from 2011 a 2015 data set and a global project The International Sports Press Survey 2011. In the opening part, the diploma thesis attends to the critical reception of sports journalism coverage and introduce Czech sports journalism after 1989, then briefly characterize chosen daily newspapers. The last chapter of the theoretical part describes data collection and its analysis. The practical part of the diploma thesis fills the gap of lacking quantitative data completed with interpretation and authentic examples from research. This constitutes a framework of future periodic researches and challenges other researchers to serious progress of this neglected discipline in the Czech Republic which could lead to international survey participation of this country...
Laïcité in the French Political Discours in Moment of Redaction of the Law on the Separation of the Churches and the State and during the Presidential Elections 2017
Vu, Dominik ; Bauer, Paul (advisor) ; Matějka, Ondřej (referee)
Laïcité is a very strict form of religious neutrality in France created in 1905 by the law separating the church and state. It was nevertheless one of the hot topics of the French presidential elections in 2017. Nowadays France is acountry with the biggest Jewish and Muslim populations in Europe. With a demography so different from the one in 1905 France is today having a debate over the relevance of the definition of laïcité by the more than 100 years law. In this paper, the author studies whether the notion and interpretation laïcité has changed. By comparing political discourse in both 1905 and 2017, author aims to find out which presidential candidates in the 2017 election define laïcité in accordance with the its creators and with the law itself, what happened with the minority opinions that were not implemented in the law and whether they are still present in the debate and what knew opinions and interpretations exist today but not during the legislative process in 1905.

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