Organization and Management of the Process of Integration of Children with Different Mother Tongues in Primary Schools
This diploma thesis is part of the project entitled Selected Aspects of the Integration of Foreigners Living in the Czech Republic and Their Relationship to Social Work funded by the Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (reg. no. GAJU 101/2022/S). The diploma thesis deals with the organization and management of the process of integration of children with a different mother tongue at primary schools. The aim of the diploma thesis is to find out how the integration process is set up from the point of view of school management at elementary schools attended by pupils with a different mother tongue. The practical part deals with the basic data of the participating schools educating children with a different mother tongue who have expressed interest in participating in the research. It also deals with the course of integration of pupils at basic schools, deficiencies in the integration of pupils and helping entities in the integration of pupils into basic schools. The interview was based on theoretical knowledge. Open coding in the subtext of the conducted interview was used to evaluate the data. The sample consisted of twenty-one schools from the South Bohemian Region that expressed interest in participating in this work. Based on the conducted research, the individual research questions and the objective of the work were answered. The results showed that each integration of children/pupils with a different mother tongue is very individual and always depends on the specific child and his motivation to learn the Czech language. although this procedure for the integration of children/pupils with a different mother tongue is not precisely defined, it is very important and should not be underestimated.
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Social Skills of Middle Management School
Košťálová, Vlasta ; Trojanová, Irena (advisor) ; Trunda, Jiří (referee)
Resumé Summary The thesis Social Competence of Middle School Management concerns with school management. It is dealing with its division into three levels according a model of business management. The main focus is on competence models, its application in education environment with attention to social competence in middle school management. The thesis comes from a theory of business management and from English school system experience. The key source is a book A. Gold Management of current school. The theoretical part is dealing also with competence model, a definition of the term competence and mainly with social competences. The competence models in school management are utilizable in selective procedure concerning filling key management vacancies. The competence model of the specific position is also a tool for a feedback and evaluation. The outcome of the questionnaire confirmed the statement, that a simple transfer of the business management division into school environment is not convenient. Furthermore, it was shown, that the most disputable position for inclusion into management level is the deputy headmaster. Outcomes of the questionnaire presented variety of opinions about social competence of the high and middle school management. The main contribution is the mentioned survey which is useful for...
Managerial work of the representatives of directors in the kindergartens with four classes in Prague 4, 11, and 12
Vacková, Jitka ; Trunda, Jiří (advisor) ; Trojanová, Irena (referee)
Managerial work of the representatives of directors in the kindergartens with four classes in Prague 4, 11 and 12 Abstrakt: The bachelor thesis discusses managerial work of the representatives of directors in the kindergartens with four classes in Prague 4, 11 and 12. It also discusses the delegation of managerial functions to the representatives of directors. It deals with cooperation between directors and their representatives, determines their level of managerial competence from the perspective of themselves and also from the perspective of directors. Bachelor thesis compares conditions of the representatives of kindergartens directors for their managerial activities and compares work of the statutory representatives and leading teachers. This thesis deals in theoretical level with the concept of school management and defines its characteristics, defines the structure of managerial functions and deals with their delegation. Keywords: education management, managerial functions, delegation, competence
School Management Evaluation and Selfevaluation
Geringová, Lenka ; Trunda, Jiří (advisor) ; Svobodová, Zuzana (referee)
This thesis is focused on process of evaluation and self-evaluation of school-management in leisure time centres in Central Bohemia and Prague. The thesis aims to discover how and whether at all evaluation and self-evaluation of school-management takes place in leisure centres, including sources, methods and criterias being used. In theoretical part we define origin and meaning of the evaluation and self-evaluation concept and we present main thoeries of this discipline in so called Evaluation theory tree. Then, Leisure time centres are classified presented in context of Czech school system and types of education - informal, non-formal and formal. Individual chapters deal with general presentation of leisure time centres, definition of school management (including legal requirements concerning their education), evaluation tools, projects, methods, competences and competence models of middle management in leisure time centres. We also introduce here evaluation tools created for leisure time centres, especially online system Olina. In empirical part we combine quantitative design of research (survey among leisure time centres in Central Bohemia and Prague) and case study in chosen centre. Analysis of current state of evaluation in chosen leisure time centre is focused on evaluation processes and on...
Delegation of Activities at Elementary School Central Management
Zralá, Lucie ; Trojanová, Irena (advisor) ; Trojan, Václav (referee)
This bachelor thesis - Delegation of Activities at Elementary School Central Management - deals with school management. It is based on the model of company management, which divides management into three levels. The main attention is paid to middle management, particularly to the methodical authorities at elementary school, respectively to its senior executives; this work traces their status, roles, performed activities, required competencies. The theme of the work is based on the belief that although nowadays headmasters are overburdened with administrative tasks and have difficulty in fulfilling all the aspects and roles that are given to them by the leading functions, delegation of their powers and thus the potential of their teaching staff is not used effectively for various reasons.
Analysis of the secondary schools optimization project in the town of Varnsdorf
Hodničák, Jan ; Kalous, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Kitzberger, Jindřich (referee)
The subject of the thesis is to analyze the optimization of secondary schools in Varnsdorf from procedures of the preparation, negotiations and approval process, to its realization. There search is based on data obtained through two of qualitative research methods: Participatory observation Analysis of documents - artifacts The thesis conclusion is based on triangulation, the penetration of various research methods, and contains, among others, recommendations for the Ministry of Education, Department of Regional Education Offices, regional councilors, and management of schools that prepare optimization projects. Particular attention is given to the impact of the optimization on the College and Secondary School in Varnsdorf.
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Educational needs of kindergartens headmasters in Prague
Kuchyňka, Daniel ; Trojan, Václav (advisor) ; Voda, Jan (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with the educational needs of nursery school headmasters in Prague. The aim was to find out the contemporary educational needs of the stated group of leading workers and compare them with topical educational offers on the territory of the capital city of Prague. Theoretical part comes from the professional literature concerning the nowadays pre-school available educational and other sources and others. Researching part was based on questionnaire studies and its further analysis. The result is to create the whole side of further education of nursery school headmasters concerning their demands. At the end of the bachelor thesis the headmasters' interests of further school management education are confirmed and the time limited possibilities of headmasters are pointed out. The author of the thesis also shows the inadequate educational offers and the lack of wrong adjustment of the whole system of managerial education in our educational system.