Process management in a selected company
The bachelor thesis is focused on the analysis of processes in the selected company and the proposal of possible improvements. Within the framework of this objective, the process of "employee selection" in the selected company was analyzed and optimized, which was mapped in detail according to the individual sub-processes within the monitored process, the analysis was carried out including measurement, identification of weak points and proposing solutions leading to the required optimization. The practical part of the bachelor thesis deals with the process management in a specific selected company. The aim of the thesis was to analyse the currently operating processes in the enterprise and to propose their optimisation and to simplify the implementation of the function in the selected processes.
The Study of Product Lifecycle Management in an Enterprise
Kříž, Pavel ; Gabrhelíková, Zdeňka (referee) ; Jurová, Marie (advisor)
The thesis explores sustainable development of a company focusing on PLM system in the environment of an industrial company. In the theoretical part the lifecycle of a product (PLM) is described as well as its demands and benefits focusing on the area of mechatronics. The following analysis of current IT environment gives information which is used as the basis for adjustments of the current system in a way to eliminate narrow places of the slim production of the company, avoid wasting and achieve sustainable development of the company while using current technologies.
Creation of Process Management of the Selected Portfolio of the Company
Krämer, Petr ; Kocábová, Magdalena (referee) ; Jurová, Marie (advisor)
The thesis concentrates on the process of building project management methodology in AAA COLOR company. The first part of this thesis will explain an analyses the process and management of the already executed building project „Reconstruction of the storage hall of Borfers a.s.“. The second part will give suggestions of how to manage building project in AAA COLOR company, whereas the final part will explain the possibility of realisation of those suggestions and their positive contribution to the company.
Application for Data Presentation and Modification in Mobile Devices
Kučera, Pavel ; Ryšavý, Ondřej (referee) ; Trchalík, Roman (advisor)
This thesis is aimed to study the possibility of usage of mobile devices in the sphere of automation. One automation company needed to have in hand some PDA-based tool for a remote control of the technological process. There is analysis of ability of contemporary portable devices to run a application software. According to the specified requirements there is designed and implemented the client-server system based on the VNC technology. The server is a Linux-based PC server implemented using Xinetd daemon and the Xvnc. The two standard VNC clients were made. A free software available under the GPL license was modified to implement them. One runs on Windows Mobile operating system and the other one is a Java MIDlet.
Process Inspector Tool Functionality Extension
Opršal, Martin ; Masařík, Karel (referee) ; Kreslíková, Jitka (advisor)
This master's thesis deals with process management, especially the general principles that lead to improvements in company processes. It's looking for methods to facilitate the identification and description processes. There are those applications that have just the identification and description of the process easier. Following is a description of the practical implementation of this application to Microsoft SharePoint.
Necessity of quality management
Vintrlík, Jan ; Teš, Vasilij (referee) ; Fiala, Alois (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to provide through retrospective seach1 an objective view on given topic of quality management. For this purpose were selected particular data and subjects from book notations and documents. Since quality management is a dynamic process, which is concerned with wide range of problems, it is due to development of new technologies and knowledge innovated continuously. Even in this moment, when you are reading following chapters, there are new circumstances all around the word, with which this discipline will have to deal with.
Control of algal bioreactors
Rek, David ; Naď, Martin (referee) ; Máša, Vítězslav (advisor)
The bachelor’s thesis discusses the matter of cultivation of microalgae in an artificially altered environment – bioreactor. The aim of the thesis is to determine and present the factors influencing the growth of microalgae and to find means of automated regulation of such factors. Nowadays, the majority of bioreactors are laboratory ones and are mostly being operated manually. The recent increase in demand for this technology results in many pilot-plant tests with a wide variety of microalgae. Tests such as these will be required to be automated to serve properly in future research. The thesis is based on professional literature and articles. The first part is to familiarize the reader with the wide number of potential applications of microalgae technology in various fields, such as the food industry, water treatment or separation of CO2 from ambient air or waste gas. The next segment presents the factors influencing the growth of microalgae and lastly the system of required equipment and sensors for automated operation is described. The bachelor’s thesis summarizes the important information necessary for the construction and unattended operation of microalgae bioreactor with respect to maximalization of productivity.
Statistical methods in quality management system.
Vyškovský, Jaroslav ; Toul, Jiří (referee) ; Fiala, Alois (advisor)
Statistical methods in quality management system are strong tools, which helps us to make right resolutions in area of quality management, or in other possible areas, such as process control, or in assessing of specific parameters in company. In these respects we are using various norms, manuals and publications such as ČSN EN ISO 9001, ČSN EN ISO 9004 a ČSN ISO/TR 10017. In the beginning part of work we are gradually dealing with basic phraseology from area of statistical methods, next we continues with management and with process, SPC, description of basic statistical methods and in the end by data. Goal of this work is literature exploration of facts and own conclusion connected with predict of progress in these area.
Use of Surface Texture Parameters for Conformity Assessment and Process Control
Špačková, Magda ; Jankových, Róbert (referee) ; Harčarík, Matej (advisor)
This master‘s thesis deals with using surface texture parameters for conformity assessment and process control. The aim of the thesis was to create an overview of surface texture parameters, an overview of procedures for conformity assessment and process control using surface texture parameters, practical application on an industrial product and practical recommendations. The thesis includes an overview of profile and areal surface texture parameters, including an original translation of terms of the areal method. Methods of conformity assessment and process control in connection with the surface texture parameters are also described. Statistical analysis was performed based on 7200 values of surface parameters and 1843200 values of profile parameters which were measured on parts from serial production. The last chapter includes practical recommendations.
Process Documentation
Dostalík, Martin ; Bartík, Vladimír (referee) ; Kreslíková, Jitka (advisor)
The goal of this project is the identification with management, analysis and documentation of processes which are used in software development and creating prototype which support these processes. It explains why is important to create new working processes, measure their efficiency and improve them subsequently. Next, it describes the methods which help with the integration of these processes at work and, manage them, especially the Rational Unified Process from the IBM company. Then, I describe the ways how to develop www applications and, consequently, how to work with these applications. The thesis also involves the specification of the requirements and the scheme for the program support application of the process documentation and the description of this application. Another part of the thesis is the system in the active web side form serving to the utilization of a process library in the software projects developing.