National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Implementation of a tone mapping operator for scotopic viewing conditions
Safko, Martin ; Wilkie, Alexander (advisor) ; Kratochvíl, Miroslav (referee)
Creating night-time images and movies that look plausible has been a problem in the industry since the creation of camera. To capture an image we need enough light to create a measurable quantity on a camera sensor. For this reason, shooting at night was not possible until sensors sensitive enough were developed and even then the captured images do not look realistic. Movie industry circumvent these issues by manually color correcting the footage in post-production. We implement an algorithm presented in a 2011 SIGGRAPH paper capable of solving this problem in a psycho-physically plausible and consistent way for spectral images and also augment it by a technique taken from a paper by INRIA. 1
Implementation of a tone mapping operator for scotopic viewing conditions
Safko, Martin ; Wilkie, Alexander (advisor) ; Kratochvíl, Miroslav (referee)
Creating night-time images and movies that look plausible has been a problem in the industry since the creation of camera. To capture an image we need enough light to create a measurable quantity on a camera sensor. For this reason, shooting at night was not possible until sensors sensitive enough were developed and even then the captured images do not look realistic. Movie industry circumvent these issues by manually color correcting the footage in post-production. We implement an algorithm presented in a 2011 SIGGRAPH paper capable of solving this problem in a psycho-physically plausible and consistent way for spectral images and also augment it by a technique taken from a paper by INRIA. 1

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