National Repository of Grey Literature 34 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Evaluation of the Economy of Self-governing Territorial Units
Beránková, Iveta ; Burdová, Eliška (referee) ; Pernica, Martin (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the economy of the village Rebešovice. The first part deals with the theoretical knowledge about public administration in the Czech Republic, especially municipal governments, as well as the budgetary system, including the municipal budget and its income and expenditure. The second part introduces village Rebešovice, its history and service offer, and based of data obtained from the municipal assembly assesses its economy in the years 2011 - 2014. The third part deals with suggestions to improve the economic situation of the municipality, including investment appreciation of municipal financial reserves of village.
The Issue of Registration for VAT in Case of Municipalities
Šalomon, Martin ; Dvořáková, Pavla (referee) ; Kopřiva, Jan (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with issues of value added tax registration in Czech Republic in case of municipalities and with complications associated with applying value added tax to municipalities. In the thesis is defined methodology to determine impact of registration for value added tax on the municipal budget. The thesis considers the possibility of transfer of selected activities of the municipality to legal entities, in order to reduce turnover of municipality to secure that the turnover for compulsory registration for value added tax is not overrun.
Evaluation of the Economy of the Town Moravany
Kroupová, Tereza ; Vanský, Roman (referee) ; Pernica, Martin (advisor)
The bachelor thesis is focused on management evaluation of community Moravany in 2012-2015. First part is devoted to theoretical finding in the field of public administration, especially territorial self-governing units. Next part analyses incomes and expenditures of the community Moravany and subsequently draws a comparison between certain years. Finally, there are suggested suitable arrangements that will result improvement of the community´s management.
Evaluation of the Economy of the Selected Public Corporation
Otýpková, Jarmila ; Skoupá, Alena (referee) ; Lajtkepová, Eva (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with the economy of the municipality of Blansko in the years 2013-2017. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The first presents theoretical work outlets, the second analysis of the present state, and the third own solution proposals. The theoretical part of the thesis is mainly processed according to the information gathered from a professional literature and from valid legal regulations of the Czech Republic. The data and information needed to process the practical parts are primarily obtained from the accounting and financial statements. On the basis of these documents, it will be possible to evaluate the financial management of municipality, including the creation of suitable proposals that will lead to an improvement in the economic situation.
Evaluation of the Economy of the Town Mistrovice
Dvořáček, Michal ; Mařík,, Petr (referee) ; Pernica, Martin (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the evaluation of economy of the municipality Mistrovice. The aim of this work is to evaluate her economic by analyzing the municipal budget, then comparing the municipal incomes and expenditures in the certain period of time and to formulate such proposals for measures which should lead to improvement of her total economic situation. The first part contains theoretical knowledge from the area of public corporations especially the position of municipalities in the Czech Republic and their budget structures. The second part focuses on the presentation of municipality and further is engaged her budget. At the conclusion of the work are solved proposals and recommendations to improvement use of funds and economic of selected municipality.
Evaluation of the Economy of the Selected Public Corporation
Otýpková, Jarmila ; Skoupá, Alena (referee) ; Pernica, Martin (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with the economy of the municipality of Blansko in the years 2013-2017. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The first presents theoretical work outlets, the second analysis of the present state, and the third own solution proposals. The theoretical part of the thesis is mainly processed according to the information gathered from a professional literature and from valid legal regulations of the Czech Republic. The data and information needed to process the practical parts are primarily obtained from the accounting and financial statements. On the basis of these documents, it will be possible to evaluate the financial management of municipality, including the creation of suitable proposals that will lead to an improvement in the economic situation.
Accounting and Reporting VAT in Selected Entity
Kavanová, Zuzana ; Munzarová, Margita (referee) ; Zábojová, Lenka (advisor)
The bachelor thesis is focused on accounting and reporting VAT in the selected entity, specifically a small municipality. The basic accounting principles in the selected entity, value added tax and VAT records are explained. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the proposal of means for the transfer of the municipality from VAT non-payer to VAT payer.
Method of execution crisis provisions according to the crisis law in selected regional self-governing units
Crisis management and implementation of crisis measures is an actual topic not only in the Czech Republic but also abroad in the world. This thesis examined the implementation of emergency measures and crisis measures, as a priority under the emergency law, by selected regional self-governing units. It primarily addressed the implementation of crisis and emergency measures announced in connection with the Czech Republic's safety problem, which concerns the epidemic caused by Covid 19. The theoretical section dealt with crisis management and information related to the topic of thesis. The aim of the thesis was to compare the way in which crisis measures were implemented in selected regional self-governing units, in the Covid 19 epidemic in 2020 in the territory of the Czech Republic according to the applicable legislation, priority crisis law. The answer to the research question was found: "Do the selected regional self-governing units implement emergency measures announced by the government, emergency measures issued by the Ministry of Health and implemented them in accordance with the applicable legislation?". In order to meet the objective, the basis of the comparation was managed semi-structured interviews with experts in the crisis management section of selected municipalities with extended coverage in the Liberecký and Ústecký regions. After comparating the responses of the respondents, a SWOT analysis of the whole situation was also carried out, which gave us the possibility of using the most attractive strategy of all 4 possible SWOT analysis strategies. The offensive strategy uses opportunities through strenghts. In the discussion, the interconnection of respondents responses and SWOT analysis from the implementation of crisis and emergency measures by selected regional self-governing units. This thesis can serve as teaching material in schools dealing with crisis management or as a model for how measures are implemented during unexpected and new crisis.
Constitutional definition of the mechanisms of control of territorial self-governing units
Dušek, Libor ; Antoš, Marek (advisor) ; Suchánek, Radovan (referee)
The aim is to answer the question of whether effective control mechanisms exist in the Czech Republic which would guarantee the fulfilment of legal regulations by municipalities and regional authorities dealing with public property. It is also my aim to explore whether such control mechanisms result from the constitutionally guaranteed rights to local government and, if they do, to what extent they may be incorporated in the Czech legislation. My diploma thesis is based on specific case studies, the case law of general courts and the current jurisprudence of the Czech Constitutional Court. After the description of the current state of affairs in the Czech Republic, I further focus on the definition of the control mechanisms of local governments in Czechoslovakia between the two world wars (1918 - 1938) and partly also during the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This diversion leading to this era has been selected to reflect the efforts to resume the local government traditions in the context of the renewal of the local government scheme in the Czech Republic after 1989. It is proven towards the end of the historical survey that unlike today, there were effective control mechanisms available before World War II, with several alternatives. The thesis also compares the legal regulations beyond the control...

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