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Land and duties register of the domain of Český Krumlov from the year 1445. A critical edition of the source
Novák, Václav ; Pátková, Hana (advisor) ; Bláhová, Marie (referee)
This paper presents complete transcription of a tax register from former Český Krumlov manor estate that had been written down to mark tax obligations of local vassals A.D. 1445, and is nowadays located in State Regional Archive Třeboň, branch Český Krumlov, fond Velkostatek Český Krumlov, signature I 7 Ralfa 186, ord. n. 63. The transcription follows the conventions of latin transcription of medieval texts set by Bohumil Ryba. The primary aim is to make the informational value of the source accessible, while searching for compromise between clear arrangement and the original structure. That is achieved by special signs and grafic features as per note of editor of this very paper. Keywords: tax register, 1445, transcription, Český Krumlov, House of Rosenberg, urbarium

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