National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Methods for improving frictional features of rubbing surfaces
Fojtík, Jakub ; Černý, Michal (referee) ; Šamánek, Otakar (advisor)
This bachelor thesis describes several methods of improving surface's tribological properties. There are many forms of tribological processes, depending on structure, geometry, material properties, relative motion and loading of system elements. The main aim is to minimize wear and friction. It can be controlled by improving surface structure, geometry and by increasing of surface roughness with coating deposition methods, chemical-heat treatment and surface texturing. These methods can be also used for reparation of degraded rubbing surfaces or for surface modification in order to establish suitable lubrication conditions. An introduction to micro/nanotribology and tribological processes in micro/nanoscale is also described in this study.
Methods for improving frictional features of rubbing surfaces
Fojtík, Jakub ; Černý, Michal (referee) ; Šamánek, Otakar (advisor)
This bachelor thesis describes several methods of improving surface's tribological properties. There are many forms of tribological processes, depending on structure, geometry, material properties, relative motion and loading of system elements. The main aim is to minimize wear and friction. It can be controlled by improving surface structure, geometry and by increasing of surface roughness with coating deposition methods, chemical-heat treatment and surface texturing. These methods can be also used for reparation of degraded rubbing surfaces or for surface modification in order to establish suitable lubrication conditions. An introduction to micro/nanotribology and tribological processes in micro/nanoscale is also described in this study.

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