National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Near Synonyms from a Corpus Linguistic Perspective - Verbs in Focus
Salačová, Helena ; Šemelík, Martin (advisor) ; Vachková, Marie (referee)
This bachelor thesis is concerned with the near synonymy of German verbs whose usage is oft very problematic for non-native speakers. Word meaning and identical or different context of synonyms (anfangen - beginnen - starten; herstellen - erzeugen - produzieren) are researched using the German reference corpus DeReKo, more specifically the coocurrence databank CCDB. The first part of the thesis is a brief introduction to the vast field of synonymy; the other, empirical part is dedicated to analysis of CNS-maps contrasting co- ocurrence profiles selected verbs. Using these maps we are enabled to determine the different similarities in the usage of these verbs.
Near Synonyms from a Corpus Linguistic Perspective - Verbs in Focus
Salačová, Helena ; Šemelík, Martin (advisor) ; Vachková, Marie (referee)
This bachelor thesis is concerned with the near synonymy of German verbs whose usage is oft very problematic for non-native speakers. Word meaning and identical or different context of synonyms (anfangen - beginnen - starten; herstellen - erzeugen - produzieren) are researched using the German reference corpus DeReKo, more specifically the coocurrence databank CCDB. The first part of the thesis is a brief introduction to the vast field of synonymy; the other, empirical part is dedicated to analysis of CNS-maps contrasting co- ocurrence profiles selected verbs. Using these maps we are enabled to determine the different similarities in the usage of these verbs.

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