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The effect of a positive leadership coaching on the psychological capital of the managers
Bašová, Renata ; Šípová, Ivana (advisor) ; Bahbouh, Radvan (referee)
The diploma thesis examines the effect of positive leadership coaching on the psychological capital of managers. The theoretical part presents the concept of psychological capital, including its individual parts, measurement methods and previous research. It also deals with leadership and its development with the greatest emphasis on coaching. Single-subject research was used for the purposes of the research part of this thesis. The research part analyzes data from four respondents from the managerial population who underwent coaching. The analysis includes not only the values of psychological capital, but also contextual variables according to the defined CMO configuration. The results show an increase in the values of psychological capital in one half of the respondents, but there was no change between the first and last measurement of the second half. Keywords Psychological Capital; Positive psychology; Leadership; Leadership development; Coaching

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