National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Nutrition and Diabetic Foot Syndrome in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Špačková, Petra ; Prázný, Martin (advisor) ; Maruna, Pavel (referee)
13 ABSTRACT This bachelor's thesis deals with nutrition in patients with type 2 diabetes and diabetic foot syndrome. In the practical part, this group is compared with a control group of diabetic patients without this chronic complication. Goals: The aim of this study is to find out, whether the diet of patients with diabetic foot syndrome differs from that of patients with diabetes without this syndrome. Methodology: This is a non-interventional study in the form of a questionnaire and a weekly food diary. The respondents were addressed by me directly in the ambulance. The minimum number of respondents in each group should be 10 patients, which was achieved. The research took place from December 2023 to mid-March 2024. The research group consisted of a total of 20 individuals: specifically, 10 diabetic patients without diabetic foot syndrome and 10 diabetic patients with diabetic foot syndrome. The obtained food diaries were entered into Nutriservis, evaluated with regard to the recommendations of the Czech Diabetes Association and with regard to the comorbidities and preferences of the given patient. The obtained data were processed and presented in the form of tables, graphs and verbal description. Results: However, since we are comparing these two groups according to the recommendations of the Czech...
Verification of an exercise program focused on flat foot compensation
Tato diplomová práce ověřuje připravený cvičební program, který byl vytvořen v bakalářská práci, a jeho vliv na stav chodidel. Diplomová práce je zpracována formou osobní případové studie, které se tedy zúčastnil jeden proband. Pro ověření byly použity dvě testovací metody, a to metoda dle Srdečného a Chipsuxovo-Šmirákova metoda. Proband podstoupil cekem 3 měření, a to vstupní, průběžné a konečné. Při každém měření bylo dbáno na to, aby podmínky testování byly shodné. Cvičební program byl stanoven na 9 týdnů, kdy se cvičilo 5x týdně. Kompenzační program byl složen ze 40 cviků, které byly rozděleny do 3 cvičebních jednotek. Po ukončení cvičebního programu došlo ke značnému zlepšení stavu chodidel. Z této práce plyne to, že navržený cvičební program má pozitivní vliv na stav plochých nohou.
Pharmaceutical care for diabetic patients in the field of podiatry
Mazánková, Anna ; Kolmanová, Eliška (advisor) ; Šolínová, Jana (referee)
Pharmaceutical care for diabetic patients in the field of podiatry Author: Anna Mazánková Tutor: PharmDr. Eliška Kolmanová Ph.D. Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University in Prague Introduction and objective: Diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) is one of the most common chronic complications of diabetes mellitus (DM), which significantly reduces the quality of life of patients. Emphasis on the prevention of DFU development is essential to care of diabetic patients, and pharmacists can play an important role in achieving this goal, especially in the education of regime measures and glycemic self-monitoring. The aim of this work is to analyze the attitudes of pharmacists in the Czech Republic to the provision of pharmaceutical care for diabetic patients in the field of podiatry. Methods: The data were colected by a questionnaire survey from September 2021 to November 2021. The electronic anonymous questionnaire was distributed by e-mail to members of 4 District Pharmacists' Associations (OSL Kurná Hora, OSL Jičín, OSL Beroun, OSL Mělník) and to members of the closed group Mladí lékárníci via the social network Facebook. The questionnaire consisted of 23 questions focusing on the pharmacist confidence in providing professional information to the...
Application of Orthopedic Insoles in Childhood
Svobodová, Julie ; Nováková, Tereza (advisor) ; Maršáková, Kateřina (referee)
Title: Use of orthopaedic insoles in childhood Supervisor: PhDr. Tereza Nováková, PhD. Problem definition: The importance of the longitudinal arch is one of the most discussed topics in orthopaedics. Similarly important is the indication of orthopaedic insoles for flat feet especially in children. Experts have different opinions about what age insoles should be prescribed, and if their use is beneficial. So far, a clearly defined boundary has not been established between real pathology and a flexible flat foot formed on the basis of hypermobility which is to some extent physiological in childhood. Aim: To compare the plantograms of groups of six-year-old children with diagnosed pes planus/planovalgus before and after six month (or more) use of, individually prepared, insoles. To compare the results with a group of children that did not have insoles prescribed and on this basis to judge whether there was change (improvement) that can be proven with the use of a plantogram. Method: Two groups of six-year-old subjects were formed. The experimental group: subjects with prescribed orthopaedic insoles, and the control group: subjects that were not prescribed orthopaedic insoles. Plantograms were evaluated with the help of the Chippaux-Šmiřák index method. Conclusion: The results indicate a partial...
Care about lower limbs in adulthood and in old age.
Introduction: Lower limbs are ones of the most strained body parts to which people do not pay much attention. Conscientious care is absolutely vital for their right functioning. Main aims of the thesis: This thesis is focused on gathering the knowledge and skills in care of lower limbs with people at their adult and old age; and on describing how the care is being performed with the target group of people. The next aim is to describe the health care from the podiatry nurse´s point of view. Methodology: A qualitative research by means of half-structured interviews was chosen as the main method of the survey. People at their adult and old age from České Budějovice were interviewed, as well as a nurse working in the centre of podiatry. Results of the thesis: The research proves some level of knowledge in the field of care of lower limbs both with the adult and elderly citizens. Both these groups of people take care of their lower limbs. The results show conscientiousness with washing their feet and drying them especially in the spaces between their toes. On the one hand, the interviewed people take care of their feet by means of using lotions and by means of pedicure. However, they do not go to see specialists in pedicure. On the other hand, the results show that this kind of skin care is not very regular. The care devoted to nails seems to be problematic, it is necessary to add some information about a more appropriate way of cutting them. The results of choosing shoes; when the choice is based mainly on a fashionable look of shoes; show a bigger need of repeated and more accurate education in this field. The impacts of improperly chosen shoes, irregular care of the lower limbs and also underestimating of prophylactic medical checks were all evident on our informants´ feet. The outputs gained in practice: The intermediate results of this thesis were presented at the Students Scientific Conference. The results of the research were used as the basis for a workshop intended for people at the adult and old age. A suggested educational mental map can be used as a practical tool.
Application of Orthopedic Insoles in Childhood
Svobodová, Julie ; Nováková, Tereza (advisor) ; Maršáková, Kateřina (referee)
Title: Use of orthopaedic insoles in childhood Supervisor: PhDr. Tereza Nováková, PhD. Problem definition: The importance of the longitudinal arch is one of the most discussed topics in orthopaedics. Similarly important is the indication of orthopaedic insoles for flat feet especially in children. Experts have different opinions about what age insoles should be prescribed, and if their use is beneficial. So far, a clearly defined boundary has not been established between real pathology and a flexible flat foot formed on the basis of hypermobility which is to some extent physiological in childhood. Aim: To compare the plantograms of groups of six-year-old children with diagnosed pes planus/planovalgus before and after six month (or more) use of, individually prepared, insoles. To compare the results with a group of children that did not have insoles prescribed and on this basis to judge whether there was change (improvement) that can be proven with the use of a plantogram. Method: Two groups of six-year-old subjects were formed. The experimental group: subjects with prescribed orthopaedic insoles, and the control group: subjects that were not prescribed orthopaedic insoles. Plantograms were evaluated with the help of the Chippaux-Šmiřák index method. Conclusion: The results indicate a partial...
A Nurse in a Podiatry Clinic
Podiatric centre is a specialized clinic for diabetics which is focused on comprehensive care, diagnosis and treatment of patients with diabetic foot syndrome and on those ones at risk of diabetic foot syndrome. Currently there are 32 podiatric centres in the Czech Republic.Diabetic foot syndrome can be defined as ulceration or destruction of feet tissue mostly in diabetic patients, accompanied by neurological abnormalities and various degrees of peripheral artery disease. It is a disease that can be prevented by proper and thorough education in the area of foot care. The key task of a podiatric nurse is thorough and repeated education. a nurse informs patients about prevention and about proper foot and wound care, and instructs them on appropriate footwear. Furthermore, a nurse treats foot defects, does debridement, treats the limb with appropriate local medication, provides screening and sampling of biological material and finally, she provides patients with psychological support.In the research part we set two goals. The first one was to find out the specifics of a nurse´s activities in a podiatric clinic. a research question has been assigned to this aim - What are the specifics of nursing in a podiatric clinic? The second goal was to learn what information is provided by a nurse in the prevention of diabetic foot. This goal was investigated by asking the research question: What information about the prevention of diabetic foot do nurses provide? After processing the interviews the received material was divided into six categories. The first category focused on nurses´ education and extended by a subcategory of "Nurses´ self-education". Two nurses have completed the course for Certified Podiatric nurses, one is registered to it and the last one has no education in the context of podiatry. Nurses are educated primarily through the Internet and they attend some lectures.The second category describes what information is given by nurses in the prevention of diabetic foot syndrome. This category was divided into two subcategories, namely foot care and footwear. Most nurses agreed that the main principle of the prevention is daily foot inspection, no barefoot walk and especially thorough foot care as well as wearing appropriate footwear. As far as the foot care is concerned, the nurses agreed only on removing calluses and treating defects. The other answers were different. The nurses mentioned feet showering, thorough drying and lubrication. Diabetic footwear is recommended by all the nurses. They emphasize the importance of proper examination of footwear before putting it on and wearing suitable socks. In the third category we have dealt with the question of what it means to work as a podiatric nurse. All the nurses clearly agreed that their main activity is repeated and consistent education. We were pleasantly surprised to find out that some nurses use a practical demonstrations and give clients information leaflets and brochures. Furthermore, the nurses carry out administrative activities, treat defects, assist doctors and conduct basic podiatric examination. In the fourth category we dealt with basic podiatric examinations. All the nurses agreed that they perform physical examination and sampling of biological material. Most nurses also provide neurological and vascular examination. Two nurses mentioned that they send clients to an X-ray. In the fifth category we investigated which clients´ mistakes are the most common. It is definitely a bad foot care; this assertion is agreed by all respondents. Furthermore it is wearing inappropriate footwear and socks. In the sixth category, we evaluated what clients with diabetic foot syndrome are most interested in.According to the nurses´ answers podiatric patients are interested in healing their defect, they ask what the cause of diabetic foot syndrome is and newly diagnosed diabetics require the information about diabetes mellitus.

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