National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Nutrigenetic analysis of metabolic syndrome: the role of spontaneously hypertensive rat chromosome 4
Petrů, Karolína ; Šeda, Ondřej (advisor) ; Malínská, Hana (referee)
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a complex condition with a number of interacting genes, epigenetic and environmental factors underlying its pathogenesis. The analysis of genetic component of MetS showed that number of defining parameters of the syndrome is linked to regions of rat chromosome 4. In order to verify these quantitative trait loci (QTL), a double congenic strain was derived with parts of chromosome 4 of spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR, an inbred MetS model) origin introgressed onto genomic background of congenic Brown Norway strain (BN-Lx). The aim of the proposed thesis is comprise detail genetic mapping of differential segments of the above mentioned double congenic strain BN-Lx.SHR4 and comparison of its metabolic profile under different dietary conditions with varying carbohydrate and fat content. Utilizing DNA sequence and gene expression comparisons, candidate genes or polymorphisms for the MetS aspects and potential nutrigenetic interactions will be identified. Key words: nutrigenetics, experimental models, metabolic syndrome, congenic strain, genotyping, rat
4th CCP Phenogenomics Conference abstract book
Sedláček, Radislav
The fourth CCP Phenogenomics Conference was held as a hybrid meeting. The scientific committee selected the topic of rare diseases: experimental models & delivery of therapies as the main thematic focus of the 2022 Conference. The Conference provided again an excellent opportunity to support networking and interactions among the researchers, CCP staff, users and experts from the commercial sector.
4th CCP Phenogenomics Conference abstract book
Sedláček, Radislav
The fourth CCP Phenogenomics Conference was held as a hybrid meeting. The scientific committee selected the topic of rare diseases: experimental models & delivery of therapies as the main thematic focus of the 2022 Conference. The Conference provided again an excellent opportunity to support networking and interactions among the researchers, CCP staff, users and experts from the commercial sector.
Nutrigenetic analysis of metabolic syndrome: the role of spontaneously hypertensive rat chromosome 4
Petrů, Karolína ; Šeda, Ondřej (advisor) ; Malínská, Hana (referee)
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a complex condition with a number of interacting genes, epigenetic and environmental factors underlying its pathogenesis. The analysis of genetic component of MetS showed that number of defining parameters of the syndrome is linked to regions of rat chromosome 4. In order to verify these quantitative trait loci (QTL), a double congenic strain was derived with parts of chromosome 4 of spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR, an inbred MetS model) origin introgressed onto genomic background of congenic Brown Norway strain (BN-Lx). The aim of the proposed thesis is comprise detail genetic mapping of differential segments of the above mentioned double congenic strain BN-Lx.SHR4 and comparison of its metabolic profile under different dietary conditions with varying carbohydrate and fat content. Utilizing DNA sequence and gene expression comparisons, candidate genes or polymorphisms for the MetS aspects and potential nutrigenetic interactions will be identified. Key words: nutrigenetics, experimental models, metabolic syndrome, congenic strain, genotyping, rat
Experimental models of ischemic brain injury
Alexová, Daniela ; Valeš, Karel (advisor) ; Alterová, Kateřina (referee)
Title: Experimental models of ischemic brain injury Author: Daniela Alexová Department: Department of Physiology Supervisor: RNDr. Karel Valeš, Ph.D. Abstract: This bachelor thesis focuses on the experimental models of ischemic brain injury closely related to one of the most common forms of brain damage, the ischemic stroke. This type of brain injury is connected to subsequent serious neurological deficits. The studies of experimental models of ischemic brain injury are therefore essential for primary and secondary research. The first two parts of the thesis are dedicated to brief characterization of stroke with focus on types of stroke, incidence, risk factors and molecular mechanism of injury. Next part summarizes the challenges of experimental modeling of ischemic brain injury and the specifics of small and big laboratory animals. The core of the thesis is the description of 11 most frequently used models. Selected models were divided into focal and global models and in each of these categories were furthermore characterized according to procedural performance, animal mortality or success of lesion induction. The key modifications of models introduced during the years in order to increase the reproducibility of brain injury are described as well. All 11 selected experimental models are summarized at the...
Using electromagnetic indicators from surveys of reinforced concrete structures
Tkadleček, Petr ; Vítek, Lubomír (referee) ; Cikrle, Petr (advisor)
The diploma thesis describes non-destructive methods for diagnostics of reinforcement. It is focused on the method of electromagnetic indicators. In the first part the methods are described and compared. The profometer PM-630 is also described. The second part describes experimental measurements with profometer on reinforced concrete structures. The results are described and interpreted. The effects, which have influence on measurement, are described. The recommendations for practical measurement with profometer are described. The experimental models were created for calibration of profometer. The part of this thesis is also the determination of load bearing capacity of reinforced concrete bridge in Nosislav.
Using the coupled modelling method to study stability of slopes
Trčková, Jiřina ; Procházka, P.
Stress changes under the slope abutment caused due to the external louding along slope ridge and deformation owing to waterlogging of slope abument was studied. Obtained results were used to formulate constitutive laws for numerical modelling.

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