National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Company Marketing Strategy
Kocourková, Jana ; Svoboda, Martin (referee) ; Schüller, David (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with issues concerning marketing strategy of a new product at Provident Financial, s. r. o. The main grounds for the new product and appropriate proposal of marketing strategy are the figures acquired on the basis of theoretical findings and application of chosen marketing methods. The outputs of the thesis is the new product and the specific proposal of component parts regarding marketing strategy.
Company Marketing Strategy
Kocourková, Jana ; Svoboda, Martin (referee) ; Schüller, David (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with issues concerning marketing strategy of a new product at Provident Financial, s. r. o. The main grounds for the new product and appropriate proposal of marketing strategy are the figures acquired on the basis of theoretical findings and application of chosen marketing methods. The outputs of the thesis is the new product and the specific proposal of component parts regarding marketing strategy.

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