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Appearance matching and fabrication using differentiable material models
Nindel, Thomas Klaus ; Wilkie, Alexander (advisor) ; Chalmers, Alan (referee) ; Magnor, Marcus (referee)
Computing derivatives of code - with code - is one of the key enablers of the machine learning revolution. In computer graphics, automatic differentiation allows to solve in- verse rendering problems. There, parameters such as an objects reflectance, position, or the scattering- and absorption coefficients of a volume, are recovered from one or several input images. In this work, we consider appearance matching and fabrication problems, that can be cast as instances of inverse rendering problems. While gradient-based opti- mization that is enabled by differentiable programs has the potential to yield very good results, it requires proper handling - differentiable rendering is not a shotgun-type prob- lem solver. We discuss both theoretical concepts and the practical implementation of differentiable rendering algorithms, and show how they connect to different appearance matching problems. 1

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