Ravennate Marble Trade in the Late Antiquity: Material from the San Severo Complex
Tůmová, Helena ; Ondřejová, Iva (advisor) ; Bouzek, Jan (referee) ; Cantini, Federico (referee)
This thesis aims to study the commercial mechanism of Ravenna in the Late Antiquity from the point of view of the amount, type and provenance of the imported stone artefacts (fragments of architectural decoration, revetments slabs, opus sectile, sarcophagi), based on the study of archaeological material from the site of the basilica and the monastery of San Severo in Classe (Ravenna). Ravenna represented an important administrative and cultural center in the 5th and 6th century, connecting western and eastern artistic influences and focusing herself on trade and production. Determination of the stone artefacts from the San Severo locality was principally based on the archaeometric methods and on the combination of archaeologic and geologic approach as well. Specific archaeometric methods (macroscopic, geochemical and mineralogical-petrographic analyses) together with a quantitative evaluation were applied. Many scientific works, dedicated till this time to the art history of late antique Ravenna and dealing also the argument of ravennate "marbles" presumed the prevailing provenance from Proconnesos and usual commercial relations between Ravenna and Constantinople as well. Constantinople played a role of a mediator of oriental localities and Ravenna. The hypothesis concerning the provenance of the...