National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Business Project
Kubant, Michal ; Ing., Mgr.Petra Marcinčáková (referee) ; Mandelík, Petr (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with questions about prospectus assembly for the company GASTROSUN SK, s.r.o with detailed focus on refinement of its prerequisites. The aim of this diploma thesis is to put together the comprehensive and integrated prospectus with the focus on its usability in practice. It’s important so that all assemblage plans in this prospectus reflected the real estate. Partial aim of this diploma thesis is matching other possible kinds of investments with the investment embedded in business by the help of indicator of return on capital employed before taxation.
Business Project
Kubant, Michal ; Ing., Mgr.Petra Marcinčáková (referee) ; Mandelík, Petr (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with questions about prospectus assembly for the company GASTROSUN SK, s.r.o with detailed focus on refinement of its prerequisites. The aim of this diploma thesis is to put together the comprehensive and integrated prospectus with the focus on its usability in practice. It’s important so that all assemblage plans in this prospectus reflected the real estate. Partial aim of this diploma thesis is matching other possible kinds of investments with the investment embedded in business by the help of indicator of return on capital employed before taxation.

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