National cultural committee at the castle Hluboka nad Vltavou
Vlažný, Václav ; Indrová, Martina (advisor) ; Jareš, Jakub (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of post-war development at the castle Hluboká nad Vltavou and the process of its nationalization. What effect did the whole process have on the castle itself, its collections and the entire castle area with the park and other buildings. How was the effort to return objects taken away during the war and what problems did the castle administration run into, how had to adapt to the very often changing situation after the war and after February 1948. What roles did the National Cultural Commission and its chairman Zdeněk Wirth play in this and the tragic decision, which led to the loss of almost all the normal equipment of the castle, which was decided not to be of a cultural nature. KEYWORDS National cultural committee, castle Hluboka nad Vltavou, Zdeněk Wirth, furniture, process of nationalization of castle Hluboká nad Vltavou, Schwarzenbergs, Inventory Commission.
Václav Wagner - an eminent figure of Czech monument care in the 20th century
Salavová, Mirka ; Indrová, Martina (advisor) ; Charvátová, Kateřina (referee)
The present master thesis "Václav Wagner - an eminent figure of Czech monument care in the 20th century" describes the life of conservationist and pedagogue Václav Wagner, who was born 7th November 1893 and died on 21th March 1962, after years of imprisomnemt. It sicusses not only his life as a complex, but his work at the State Monuments Office, outlines and interprets Wagner's so-called synthetic method of monuments conservation, and discusses professional and personal disputes with Zdeněk Wirth and Cyril Merhout. All the above findings are based on the study of archival sources and literature. KEYWORDS Václav Wagner, heritage conservation, occupation, World War II, political persecuion, Zdeněk Wirth, Cyril Merhout, synthesis method, analytical method
Zikmund Reach, photographs of the old Prague. Focusing on smaller archive collections.
Žabžová, Michaela ; Lahoda, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Biegel, Richard (referee)
The master thesis "Zikmund Reach and his photographic collection" focuses on Zikmund Reach's photographs of old Prague. Firstly theis describes the life and familly of the publisher and follows by gradual work of an publisher. The subsequent chapter focuses on photography as a commodity and presents briefly life and work poof a French photographer Eugène Atget. The next part of the thesis devotes on the main photographic topics of the work od Zikmund Reach including an extensive collection of "Prague types" which is a sociological reflecion of society in the second half of 19th century compared with a similar collection of "Viennies types". The main topic is based on the photographic albums of "Disappeared Prague" which aren't known yet. In conclusion the thesis focuses on archives in which the collection of Zikmund Reach is stored in and their mutual thematic coherence.
Zikmund Reach, photographs of the old Prague. Focusing on smaller archive collections.
Žabžová, Michaela ; Lahoda, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Biegel, Richard (referee)
The master thesis "Zikmund Reach and his photographic collection" focuses on Zikmund Reach's photographs of old Prague. Firsty theis describes the history of Czech photography, which if followed by the topic of Prague's redevelopment and its influence on photography. The main topic is based on the photographic albums of "Disappeared Prague" and a extensive collection of "Prague types", which is a period, sociological reflecion of society in the second half of 19th century. Finally the thesis focuses on archives in which is the collection of Zikmund Reach stored in and their mutual thematic coherence. In conclusion the thesis focuses on the Institute of Art History Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and its collection of photographs which come from the collection of Zikmund Reach.
Zikmund Reach, photographs of the old Prague. Focusing on smaller archive collections.
Žabžová, Michaela ; Lahoda, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Biegel, Richard (referee)
The master thesis "Zikmund Reach and his photographic collection" focuses on Zikmund Reach's photographs of old Prague. Firstly theis describes the life and familly of the publisher and follows by gradual work of an publisher. The subsequent chapter focuses on photography as a commodity and presents briefly life and work poof a French photographer Eugène Atget. The next part of the thesis devotes on the main photographic topics of the work od Zikmund Reach including an extensive collection of "Prague types" which is a sociological reflecion of society in the second half of 19th century compared with a similar collection of "Viennies types". The main topic is based on the photographic albums of "Disappeared Prague" which aren't known yet. In conclusion the thesis focuses on archives in which the collection of Zikmund Reach is stored in and their mutual thematic coherence.
Zikmund Reach, photographs of the old Prague. Focusing on smaller archive collections.
Žabžová, Michaela ; Lahoda, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Biegel, Richard (referee)
The master thesis "Zikmund Reach and his photographic collection" focuses on Zikmund Reach's photographs of old Prague. Firsty theis describes the history of Czech photography, which if followed by the topic of Prague's redevelopment and its influence on photography. The main topic is based on the photographic albums of "Disappeared Prague" and a extensive collection of "Prague types", which is a period, sociological reflecion of society in the second half of 19th century. Finally the thesis focuses on archives in which is the collection of Zikmund Reach stored in and their mutual thematic coherence. In conclusion the thesis focuses on the Institute of Art History Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and its collection of photographs which come from the collection of Zikmund Reach.
Antonín Markus, the archivist of the town of Třeboň, and Zdeněk Wirth, the arthistorian - analysis and selective edition of the common correspondence
As it is obvious from the title of the graduate work "Antonín Markus, the archivist of the town of Třeboň, and Zdeněk Wirth, the arthistorian - analysis and selective edition of the common correspondence, the authoress primary intended to prepare the analysis and elaboration of the edition of the unique epistular collection, which covers almost a half of century of the mutual friendship and cooperation of the two important representatives of the Czech cultural scene of the first and the beginning of the second half of the 20th century. The editated correspondence is a part of the personal inheritances of the both mentioned men which is saved in the State region archive in Třeboň (Antonín Markus) and in the Institute of the history of art of the Academy of sciences of the Czech republic (Zdeněk Wirth).The first part of the diploma work brings the general essay on the correspondence as an object of the scientist´s interest and the survey of the authors of the certain works on the edition analysis of correspondence of the various personalities. Next chapter introduces the used sources and special literature which the authoress used. The life stories of Antonín Markus, the longtime archivist of the Třeboň Schwarzenberg´s archive, and Zdeněk Wirth, our eminent arthistorian and organizator of the monument preservation, are presented in the individual biographies. Next part of the work shows the analysis of the correspondence from the view of the condition and amount, kind of communication, frequence of answering and the outer look of the individual documents, which is ensembled with the topic analysis of it´s content. The commented selected edition is followed by the editing notice and the name index. Other part brings of course the list of sources and used literature. The end of the diploma work includes the visual enclosures which suitably enrich the written part.
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The Ladislav Lábek and Zdeněk Wirth - friendship and cooperation
The Diploma work compares two life stories of friendship and cooperation of a museologist and founder of museum ?Národopisné muzeum Plzeňska? Ladislav Lábek from Pilsen (1882?1970) and his friend a historian of art Zdeněk Wirth from Vysoké Mýto (1878?1961). The first chapter after introduction is about personal and professional life of Ladislav Lábek. The chapter tells his life´s story from his birth to the beginnig of the ?First World War?. The next chapter is about the life story of Zdeněk Wirth in the same time period. The chapter number four is about first Labek´s and Wirth´s projects when their started their big cooperation and relationship which (1911?1961) when Zdeněk Wirth died. In this chapter we can find some main institutions like ?Klub Za starou Prahu? or ?Kroužek přátel starožitností v Plzni? that helped Lábek and Wirth to save many historical memories in Pilsen and thanks them they both found future friends and collegues. The chapter number five is about life, work and cooperation of Lábek and Wirth in the ?World War the First? when they fought on the fields of ?Eastern front? but they both still worked on their projects from the museum´s and monument preservation area. The next chapter is about one of the most interesting years of Lábek and Wirth, which were between two world wars when they helped to constitute museum´s organization and monument preservation during the beginning of the Czechoslovak Republic. In this time period Lábek and Wirth wrote many interesting historical titles that have been still updated. They both also hepled each other with their life proffesional and family projects. The next chapter is about life of Wirth and Lábek during the ?World War the Second?, about lifes of their families, work and their revolt against nacistic occupation. In the last two chapters we can read about life periods of Lábek and Wirth after the ?World War the Second? and time periods after fatal year 1948 in Czechoslovakia. Chapter is ended by the death of both personalities. In the last chapters we can find the summary of diploma work, the summary of literature and sources, the edition of 23 interesting letters between Lábek and Wirth and also some visual supplements.
The change of face of the town Pelhrimov during second half of 19th century and the early 20th century
TOMŠŮ, Jaroslava
This thesis takes an interest in urbanistic development of Pelhrimov at the turn of 19th and 20th century. It tries to show process of the urbanization basically with an example of this town. It takes a note of evolution of small-towners` esthetical feelings and their approach to the care of historical monuments and it wants to find movers and initiators of architecture changes in the town. From this poit of view it takes an interest in regional section of Club For old Prague mainly. Mambers of the section became advisory authority in questions of rebuilding Pelhrimov during the early 20th century. They arranged contacts with Prague{\crq}s architects and historians of art. There have been realized some interesting projects thanks to them. The most telling was a cooperation with architect Pavel Janak and historian Zdenek Wirth. Pelhrimov rose from small-town{\crq}s culture for a while. But the promotion of new trends in art faced to protests of still conzervative inhabitants.