Myofunctional therapeutic concept in patients with dysfunction of orofacial area
Harudová, Kateřina ; Zahrádka Köhlerová, Michaela (advisor) ; Kejhová, Eva (referee)
BACHELOR THESIS ABSTRACT Author: Kateřina Harudová Supervisor: Mgr. Michaela Zahrádka Köhlerová Title: Myofunctional therapy in patients with orofacial disorders Abstract: This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of myofunctional disorders in the orofacial area and the possibilities of therapy. The work is a case study character and consists of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part provides an overview of the current knowledge about myofunctional disorders and therapeutic approaches. It covers an anatomy and ontogenetic development of the orofacial area, physiology of speech development, etiology, symptomatology, diagnosis, and possibilities of prevention of myofunctional disorders. The theoretical part also includes an overview of selected therapeutic concepts and part about cooperation with pediatric patients. The practical part demonstrates the use of myofunctional therapeutic concept in the form of case studies of two pediatric patients. A partial goal of the work was create an educational brochure to facilitate self-therapy for parents and their children at home. After studying the literature and applying the concept, it was shown that myofunctional therapy improve muscle tone and motor skills of the lips and tongue, increase tongue muscles strenght, and optimizes resting position of...
Selected physiotherapeutic approaches in patients suffering from postcovid syndrome with special focus on the diaphragm
Waldhauserová, Nicole ; Zahrádka Köhlerová, Michaela (advisor) ; Havlová, Martina (referee)
This bachelor's thesis aims to describe the effect of a combination of selected physiotherapeutic methods on the condition of patients with post-covid syndrome. It is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part are discussed in more detail the topics of Covid-19, the post-covid syndrome, the diaphragm, its anatomy, functions, its influence on the organism and functional limitations and also is discussed the topic of the fascial system. Diaphragm therapy methods are also described, especially the methods practiced in this work - visceral manipulation, osteopathic fascial release techniques and Vojta's reflex locomotion. In the practical part is more discussed the methodology of this work including data collection, methods, patient selection criteria, the goal of the work, and case studies of 3 patients with breathing problems classifiable as post-covid syndrome. In order to evaluate the effect of the therapy, the initial and final examinations, respiratory amplitude values, 2 quality of life questionnaires and selected functional tests focusing on the state of the deep stabilization system and the involvement of the diaphragm are evaluated. The results of some objective tests were questionable, but regardless it was shown that the chosen physiotherapeutic methods can...
Physical therapy led by a physiotherapist in patients with substance abuse disorder in the context of institutional treatmanet
Köhlerová, Terezie ; Zahrádka Köhlerová, Michaela (advisor) ; Gerlichová, Markéta (referee)
BACHELOR THESIS ABSTRACT Name: Terezie Köhlerová Supervisor: Mgr. Michaela Zahrádka Köhlerová Title: Physical therapy led by a physiotherapist in patients with substance abuse disorder in the context of institutional treatment Abstract: Background: Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is a bio-psycho-social-spiritual problem, which is needed to be dealt comprehensively. Physical therapy is one of the appropriate additional therapies of SUD. Objectives: The aim of the theoretical part is to present current knowledge about the role of physiotherapy in institutional treatment of SUD. The main aim of the practical part is to apply a physical therapy (specifically aerobic activity in the form of jogging) in patients in SUD treatment. The partial aim of the practical part is to create a textual basis for educational materials intended for addicted patients, which would summarize fundamental information about jogging and exercise in common and would be a base for an autotherapy. Methods: Via pre-test and post-test (after 4 therapies) in the form AQoL-8D a comparison was made between (a) patients undergoing Therapeutic Jogging and Group Cognitive Training; (b) physically and to non-physically active patients in pre-hospitalisation time. Results: Patients undergoing Therapeutic Jogging were significantly (p < 0,1) improved...
Rating of posture, balance and movement stereotypes in patients with schizophrenia using selected procedures
Šejnostová, Eva ; Zahrádka Köhlerová, Michaela (advisor) ; Sládková, Petra (referee)
BACHELOR THESIS ABSTRACT Name, surname: Eva Šejnostová Supervisor: Mgr. Michaela Zahrádka Köhlerová Title of bachelor thesis: Rating of posture, balance and movement stereotypes in patients with schizophrenia using selected procedures Abstract: This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of schizophrenia and its influence on the musculoskeletal system. The aim of the thesis is to rate the posture, balance and movement stereotypes in patients with schizophrenia. The theoretical part contains a description of etiology, symptoms, the course, comorbidities of schizophrenia and subsequently its influence on the musculoskeletal system, posture and balance of patients. The practical part describes case reports containing the most important data from examination which was carried out using basic tests to evaluate standing posture, balance, movement stereotypes and other aspects of the musculoskeletal system. The practical part also includes examination of probands by means of the InBody instrument measuring body composition. In the discussion, the results are then compared with the data cointained in the literature. The results demonstrate that the disease affects negatively all observed aspects. Patients with schizophrenia have poor posture, they suffer from a balance disorder and their movement stereotypes are not...
Physiotherapy in patients with bipolar disorder
Knotková, Denisa ; Zahrádka Köhlerová, Michaela (advisor) ; Straková, Eva (referee)
Bachelor thesis abstract Name, Surname: Denisa Knotková Supervisor: Mgr. Michaela Zahrádka Köhlerová Opponent: Title of bachelor thesis: Physiotherapy in patients with bipolar disorder Abstract: This bachelor thesis deals with what kind of role has physiotherapy in patients with psychiatric illness, specifically in patients with bipolar afective disorder. The aim of this work is to collect information about the disease in all its aspects and to describe how these patients are treated from the perspective of a physiotherapist. The first part of the thesis describes origins and symptomatology of bipolar afective disorder, differential diagnosis, comorbidities, pharmacological treatment and psychotherapy. The second part of the thesis deals with physiotherapy approaches and methods, indications and contraindications. In the form of studies, we will process various studies dealing with physiotherapy methods adequate for treating these patients and what influence they have on each of the phase of the desease. The studies will be summarized in the final discussion. Key words: Bipolar disorder, physiotherapy, physical activity, psychiatry
Physiotherapy in Alcohol - Dependent Patients
Kolínková, Lucie ; Zahrádka Köhlerová, Michaela (advisor) ; Jakovcová, Karolína (referee)
Bachelor thesis abstract Name, surname: Lucie Kolínková Supervisor: Mgr. Michaela Zahrádka Köhlerová Opponent: Title of bachelor thesis: Physiotherapy in Alcohol-Dependent Patients Abstract: The content of this thesis is the issue of physiotherapy in patients with alcohol dependence. The aim of this work is to bring a comprehensive overview of the problems of alcoholism, its impact on the patient's health, obstacles for the therapist and used physiotherapeutic approaches. The introductory, theoretical part describes the origin of alcohol dependence and its composition, incidence and abuse. It deals with the effects of alcohol on the human body and comorbid disease. It also summarizes the treatment of alcoholism of without the use of physiotherapy. A special part of this work is a form of research. It describes and summarizes current knowledge in the use of physiotherapy in patients with dependence. It contains a brief description of the methods and approaches that can be used in physiotherapy with dependence- patients. It also includes a review of current studies investigating the influence of physiotherapy and exercise methods on the physical and mental health of alcohol addicts. The discussion summarizes the issue of alcoholism, evaluates and compare individual studies. Key words: physiotherapy, physical...
Physiotherapy in patients with schizophrenia. Subtitle: An overview of current methods
Kopecká, Anna ; Zahrádka Köhlerová, Michaela (advisor) ; Bolceková, Eva (referee)
Bachelor thesis abstract Name, surname: Anna Kopecká Supervisor: Mgr. Michaela Zahrádka Köhlerová Opponent: Title of bachelor thesis: Physiotherapy in patients with schizophrenia. An overview of current methods. Abstract: This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of physiotherapy in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. The aim of this work is to give a comprehensive overview of all aspects of the illness, difficulties in therapy and the physiotherapeutic approaches used in these patients. The introductory theoretical part describes the definition, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia. It also deals with the causes of this disease and with comorbidities. Special part of this thesis is conceived in the form of search work. It summarizes current knowledge of physiotherapy in patients with schizophrenia and in addition contains a brief description of individual methods and research of current studies examining the effect of physiotherapeutic methods on the physical and mental health of patients with schizophrenia. Discussion contains summary of the topic and critical evaluation of presented studies. Key words: physiotherapy, physical activity, schizophrenia, mental health
Physiotherapy in patients with schizophrenia. Subtitle: An overview of current methods
Kopecká, Anna ; Zahrádka Köhlerová, Michaela (advisor) ; Bolceková, Eva (referee)
Bachelor thesis abstract Name, surname: Anna Kopecká Supervisor: Mgr. Michaela Zahrádka Köhlerová Opponent: Title of bachelor thesis: Physiotherapy in patients with schizophrenia. An overview of current methods. Abstract: This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of physiotherapy in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. The aim of this work is to give a comprehensive overview of all aspects of the illness, difficulties in therapy and the physiotherapeutic approaches used in these patients. The introductory theoretical part describes the definition, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia. It also deals with the causes of this disease and with comorbidities. Special part of this thesis is conceived in the form of search work. It summarizes current knowledge of physiotherapy in patients with schizophrenia and in addition contains a brief description of individual methods and research of current studies examining the effect of physiotherapeutic methods on the physical and mental health of patients with schizophrenia. Discussion contains summary of the topic and critical evaluation of presented studies. Key words: physiotherapy, physical activity, schizophrenia, mental health