National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Possibilities of stream restoration in urban environment
Zouhar, Radim ; Veselá, Olga (referee) ; Králová, Helena (advisor)
The thesis is focused on the options of stream restoration with its surroundings in a place of nature area „Na Loukách“ in town district „Mokrá Hora“. The thesis also describes current condition and development of the land use of focused area. There is junction of three creeks in the focused area. In part of this area there is not original depth of ground water surface due to adjustment of Rakovec creek. This thesis introduces three options of increasing depth of ground water surface. Evaluation of the current condition of creeks was performed by the HEM method. Hydraulic calculations were made in HEC-RAS program.
Study of river restoration measures of suburban watercourse
Šebesta, Radek ; Veselá, Olga (referee) ; Králová, Helena (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the problem of river restoration. Selected watercourse, which was inappropriately technically modified, had been mapped in detail and land use map was compiled. The watercourse was divided into sections, which were described in detail and assessed for suitability for restoration action. The new nature-friendly channel was designed on the selected section of the watercourse. Technical graphic documentation was designed.
Possibilities of stream restoration in urban environment
Zouhar, Radim ; Veselá, Olga (referee) ; Králová, Helena (advisor)
The thesis is focused on the options of stream restoration with its surroundings in a place of nature area „Na Loukách“ in town district „Mokrá Hora“. The thesis also describes current condition and development of the land use of focused area. There is junction of three creeks in the focused area. In part of this area there is not original depth of ground water surface due to adjustment of Rakovec creek. This thesis introduces three options of increasing depth of ground water surface. Evaluation of the current condition of creeks was performed by the HEM method. Hydraulic calculations were made in HEC-RAS program.
Study of river restoration measures of suburban watercourse
Šebesta, Radek ; Veselá, Olga (referee) ; Králová, Helena (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the problem of river restoration. Selected watercourse, which was inappropriately technically modified, had been mapped in detail and land use map was compiled. The watercourse was divided into sections, which were described in detail and assessed for suitability for restoration action. The new nature-friendly channel was designed on the selected section of the watercourse. Technical graphic documentation was designed.

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1 Veselá, Olga
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