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Modification of measurement workplace for solar cells
Roček, Radovan ; Bača, Petr (referee) ; Vaněk, Jiří (advisor)
The problems of solar cells are described in general in theoretic part of the master’s thesis. In particular there is described structure of solar cells, procedure of production of solar cells, kinds of defects that can occur in solar cells and diagnostic methods of detection of this defects. The solar simulator, electroluminescence method, detection of defects during microplasma shining, LBIV and LBIC method belongs to category of diagnostic methods. The main focusing is on diagnostic method of LBIC (Light Beam Inducted Current). The workplace which exploits this method is used in laboratory in Department of Electrotechnology on University of Technology Brno. This method is very exact and it reveals most of defects in solar cell but the problem is the slow speed of testing. In practical part of the master’s thesis the main solved problem is the proposition and realization of modified workplace of LBIC that would work on more modern level, it means using performer PC for service program and Agilent 34410A the modern measuring device. The speed up of the testing time is the goal of modernization in existing accuracy of finding. The modify workplace is realized and compared with the existing workplace subsequently.
Modification of measurement workplace for solar cells
Roček, Radovan ; Bača, Petr (referee) ; Vaněk, Jiří (advisor)
The problems of solar cells are described in general in theoretic part of the master’s thesis. In particular there is described structure of solar cells, procedure of production of solar cells, kinds of defects that can occur in solar cells and diagnostic methods of detection of this defects. The solar simulator, electroluminescence method, detection of defects during microplasma shining, LBIV and LBIC method belongs to category of diagnostic methods. The main focusing is on diagnostic method of LBIC (Light Beam Inducted Current). The workplace which exploits this method is used in laboratory in Department of Electrotechnology on University of Technology Brno. This method is very exact and it reveals most of defects in solar cell but the problem is the slow speed of testing. In practical part of the master’s thesis the main solved problem is the proposition and realization of modified workplace of LBIC that would work on more modern level, it means using performer PC for service program and Agilent 34410A the modern measuring device. The speed up of the testing time is the goal of modernization in existing accuracy of finding. The modify workplace is realized and compared with the existing workplace subsequently.

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4 Roček, Richard
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