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The importance and use of compression garments in sports
Pilař, Lukáš ; Šteffl, Michal (advisor) ; Chrudimský, Jan (referee)
Title: The importance and use of compression garments in sports Objectives: The main aim of this thesis was to analyze the effect of compression garments on performance and recovery in sports. Methods: The work is realized as a review. There were searched three electronic databases: PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus for obtaining possible relevant papers. The same keywords were used to search in all the databases. Results: Based on the study of scientific literature, it was found that compression garments could provide a positive effect only under certain conditions. For speed-strength sports, the compression garments do not improve performance; however, they can reduce pain and fatigue after sports performance. In endurance sports, they can reduce heart rate and help ease the breakdown of lactate after exercise. Conclusion: Compression garments can improve conditions for sports performance, but their impact has not been fully demonstrated yet. Keywords: compression socks, recovery, regeneration, lactate, perceived pain

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3 Pilař, L.
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