National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Archaeobotanical findings of gathered plants in the Early prehistory from the Czech Republic
Mandelová, Alžběta ; Popelka, Miroslav (advisor) ; Šálková, Tereza (referee)
The purpose of the thesis is to describe the possibilities of embedding the practice of studying gathered plants and to specify related problems with regard to the period of Early Prehistory. The subject matter is examined in consideration with plant remains originating from Neolithic, Aeneolithic and the Bronze Age in the area of the Czech republic, and neighbouring European states. Emphasis is mainly laid on conclusions made from the plant macro-remains analysis. Nonetheless, also another possibilities of practicing study of wild- growing plants with different archaeobotanical methods are mentioned. This rather neglected topic might as well contribute to the reconstruction of plant economy in prehistoric times. One of the outcomes is a catalogue of selected plant species created on the basis of the Archaeobotanical Database of the Czech Republic. The catalogue mainly describes macro- remains of these species found in the territory of the Czech Republic, adding information about their possibly use, based on historical sources and current ethnographical studies. Another catalogue contains data regarding sites, where the macro-remains were captured, with more detailed information on particular research. The results obtained from the Archaeobotanical Database are then being compared with data from...
Archaeobotanical findings of gathered plants in the Early prehistory from the Czech Republic
Mandelová, Alžběta ; Popelka, Miroslav (advisor) ; Šálková, Tereza (referee)
The purpose of the thesis is to describe the possibilities of embedding the practice of studying gathered plants and to specify related problems with regard to the period of Early Prehistory. The subject matter is examined in consideration with plant remains originating from Neolithic, Aeneolithic and the Bronze Age in the area of the Czech republic, and neighbouring European states. Emphasis is mainly laid on conclusions made from the plant macro-remains analysis. Nonetheless, also another possibilities of practicing study of wild- growing plants with different archaeobotanical methods are mentioned. This rather neglected topic might as well contribute to the reconstruction of plant economy in prehistoric times. One of the outcomes is a catalogue of selected plant species created on the basis of the Archaeobotanical Database of the Czech Republic. The catalogue mainly describes macro- remains of these species found in the territory of the Czech Republic, adding information about their possibly use, based on historical sources and current ethnographical studies. Another catalogue contains data regarding sites, where the macro-remains were captured, with more detailed information on particular research. The results obtained from the Archaeobotanical Database are then being compared with data from...

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2 Mandelová, Alžběta
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