National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Energy use of biomass
Mandelík, Ladislav ; Brázdil, Marian (referee) ; Baláš, Marek (advisor)
The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is the research of different types of biomass, the survey of the technologies for electric power and heat production and the comparison of the present use of biomass in the Czech Republic. The thesis is concerned on the biomass definition, its parts and attributes. Then the technologies for energy use of biomass and biomass categories are mentioned. The last part of the thesis is devoted to the large power plant units in the Czech Republic using biomass and combined production of heat and electricity.
Boiler for Co-combustion of Gaseous Fuels
Mandelík, Ladislav ; Křemínský, Pavel (referee) ; Lisý, Martin (advisor)
The topic of this diploma thesis is to design the co-firing of blast furnace gas and coke-oven gas. First, the stoichiometric calculation for the gas mixture was made. It is followed with the determination of basic measures of heating surfaces and with their thermal calculation. The part of the work is also the drawing documentation of the boiler.
Boiler for Co-combustion of Gaseous Fuels
Mandelík, Ladislav ; Křemínský, Pavel (referee) ; Lisý, Martin (advisor)
The topic of this diploma thesis is to design the co-firing of blast furnace gas and coke-oven gas. First, the stoichiometric calculation for the gas mixture was made. It is followed with the determination of basic measures of heating surfaces and with their thermal calculation. The part of the work is also the drawing documentation of the boiler.
Energy use of biomass
Mandelík, Ladislav ; Brázdil, Marian (referee) ; Baláš, Marek (advisor)
The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is the research of different types of biomass, the survey of the technologies for electric power and heat production and the comparison of the present use of biomass in the Czech Republic. The thesis is concerned on the biomass definition, its parts and attributes. Then the technologies for energy use of biomass and biomass categories are mentioned. The last part of the thesis is devoted to the large power plant units in the Czech Republic using biomass and combined production of heat and electricity.

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