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Organizational Culture in a chosen Organization
Mandík, Jaroslav ; Vinšová, Tereza (advisor) ; Pícha, Miloš (referee)
The target of the thesis with the title "Corporate culture in selected organization" is to describe the corporate culture of the Engineering Center based in the company TRW Automotive Czech s.r.o. in Jablonec nad Nisou. The theoretical resources of the thesis are a compilation of facts and opinions originating from authors and scientists who are engaged in the area of management, organizations and corporate culture. The thesis endeavours to provide a brief but comprehensive view on the topic. Further the thesis describes reasons for corporate culture diagnostics and tools to achieve it.The results of the thesis are the primary data obtained by the research via observation and questioning, their incorporation and interpretation using comments. The output of the thesis is at the end a SWOT matrix summarizing strengths and weaknesses of the corporate culture and containing a set of various strategies, which might be used by the management.

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2 Mandík, Jan
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