National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Procurement and inventory management logistics
Machová, Simona ; Fabianová, Jana (referee) ; Juřica, Pavel (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on activities of the supply department in a manufacturing company. Basic terms referring mainly to supplies are characterized in theoretical part. In analytical part is described the analysis of the process of buying the material and rating of levels of inventory management through selected indicators. The last part is about the differentiation of materials based on the ABC / XYZ method and the calculation of optimal values of material supply according to the economic order quantity model.
Design of a Strategy of a Lean Production Process in a Manufacturing Company
Machová, Simona ; Tesař, Rostislav (referee) ; Jurová, Marie (advisor)
This diploma thesis focuses on design of a layout of selected part of the production process in order to achieve time reduction of production tasks that will lead to the development of business. The analythical part of the diploma thesis contains a detailed description of all production activities carried on the production line, the relationships between workplaces and the measurement of work. Based on the results of the analytical part, proposals were made to achieve the goal, including a new layout of the production line.
Design of a Strategy of a Lean Production Process in a Manufacturing Company
Machová, Simona ; Tesař, Rostislav (referee) ; Jurová, Marie (advisor)
This diploma thesis focuses on design of a layout of selected part of the production process in order to achieve time reduction of production tasks that will lead to the development of business. The analythical part of the diploma thesis contains a detailed description of all production activities carried on the production line, the relationships between workplaces and the measurement of work. Based on the results of the analytical part, proposals were made to achieve the goal, including a new layout of the production line.
Procurement and inventory management logistics
Machová, Simona ; Fabianová, Jana (referee) ; Juřica, Pavel (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on activities of the supply department in a manufacturing company. Basic terms referring mainly to supplies are characterized in theoretical part. In analytical part is described the analysis of the process of buying the material and rating of levels of inventory management through selected indicators. The last part is about the differentiation of materials based on the ABC / XYZ method and the calculation of optimal values of material supply according to the economic order quantity model.

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6 MACHOVÁ, Šárka
2 Machová, Silvia
1 Machová, Soňa
1 Machová, Stanislava
2 Machová, Světlana
5 Machová, Sára
6 Machová, Šárka
1 Máchová, Štěpánka
6 Máchová, Šárka
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