National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The Development in the Czech Republic. Barriers and Opportunities
Machleidt, Petr ; Mráček, K.
The paper deals with the situation of Technology Assessment in the Czech Republic. There is a well-developed theoretical basis of TA but a relatively weak TA practice. We are lacking a broad and concrete institutional lay down of TA, in particular, there is no effective link to relevant legislative activities. The concept of TA can also be viewed as a right tool for research and innovation policy in the Czech Republic. Teaching in the field of TA is also important. The positive acceptance of TA problems by students at the TU Prague shows new opportunities for the establishment of TA in the Czech Republic. The idea of “industry 4.0” is also a great challenge for TA in the Czech Republic.
Technology Assessment as Applied Ethics of Technology
Machleidt, Petr
Practices that characterize Technology Asessment have recently experienced a new renaissance within the European area. An example is the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme titled PACITA (Parliaments and Civil Society in Technology Assessment). An important role for TA in the Czech Republic is to create conditions for gaining public acceptance of technological development. If the Czech Republic wants succeed in the future, it has to create an environment that is „friendly“ to technologies. Many of the ethics issues in technology are linked with the interface of science and ethics, environmental ethics and/or medical ethics.
Communication between Expert, Public and Politics
Machleidt, Petr
The contribution presents an evaluation of the outputs of the project "TAMI - Assessment of technologies in Europe - Between Method and Impact" - that was implemented within the program STRATA (Strategic Analysis of Specific political Issues).

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