National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Proposal to improve the internal material flow in the selected manufacturing company
Slámka, Jiří ; Lanzendörfer, Tomáš (referee) ; Bartošek, Vladimír (advisor)
Bachelor's thesis focuses on the analysis and proposals for improving the efficiency and automation of internal material flow in a manufacturing environment. The goal is to optimize the delivery of materials from the central warehouse to production lines through an effective and well-planned transportation system. The thesis concentrates on specific proposals, such as optimizing milkrun routes, implementing a database with quantitative material properties, and continuously monitoring system performance. The outcome is a set of recommendations and technologies aimed at enhancing material flow efficiency in the manufacturing environment through milkrun technology.
Analysis of material flow and level of inventory between production sections in time
Lanzendörfer, Tomáš ; Hloska, Jiří (referee) ; Hloušek, David (advisor)
The bachelor’s thesis deals with an analysis of material flow between manufacturing sectors connected by an intervening storage. The first part is focused on detailed analysis of logistics and inventory theory. The second part is focused on a simulation model creation. The simulations are realized in Tecnomatix Plant Simulation software, developed by the Siemens company. At the end of the thesis there is a conclusion of the analyses.
The Use of Inerter in Vehicle Design
Lanzendörfer, Tomáš ; Hejtmánek, Petr (referee) ; Blaťák, Ondřej (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the inerter application in vehicle’s suspension. The aim was to perform a theoretical analysis of its features, to compare its construction layouts, to create a multibody model of the car’s suspension and to analyse inerter’s effects while performing different driving manoeuvres. All analyses were performed by MSC Adams View software with a little support from Matlab. The quality of ride comfort and accessible traction force were increased by the inerter almost in every case, and dynamic load of the suspension was also decreased in some cases. The inerter is a device with high potential, but with high purchase costs as well, so further development and practical research is necessary.
The Use of Inerter in Vehicle Design
Lanzendörfer, Tomáš ; Hejtmánek, Petr (referee) ; Blaťák, Ondřej (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the inerter application in vehicle’s suspension. The aim was to perform a theoretical analysis of its features, to compare its construction layouts, to create a multibody model of the car’s suspension and to analyse inerter’s effects while performing different driving manoeuvres. All analyses were performed by MSC Adams View software with a little support from Matlab. The quality of ride comfort and accessible traction force were increased by the inerter almost in every case, and dynamic load of the suspension was also decreased in some cases. The inerter is a device with high potential, but with high purchase costs as well, so further development and practical research is necessary.
Analysis of material flow and level of inventory between production sections in time
Lanzendörfer, Tomáš ; Hloska, Jiří (referee) ; Hloušek, David (advisor)
The bachelor’s thesis deals with an analysis of material flow between manufacturing sectors connected by an intervening storage. The first part is focused on detailed analysis of logistics and inventory theory. The second part is focused on a simulation model creation. The simulations are realized in Tecnomatix Plant Simulation software, developed by the Siemens company. At the end of the thesis there is a conclusion of the analyses.

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