National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Nicknames in groups of children
Kvíčalová, Marta ; Janovec, Ladislav (advisor) ; Palkosková, Olga (referee)
This work deals with nicknames in groups of children at present, mainly in school and scout environments. The author was making this research in various environments for several months and gained quite a huge amount of today's nicknames (about 1 800). She has described their morphology and sorted them out according to their origin. With the aid of special literature and gained examples she has come to interesting conclusions. Nicknames, as unofficial first names used abundantly among childern, are a specific and extraordinary linguistic material. School and scout nicknames originate from the same linguistic habits and they arise in similar ways. They arise naturally , without any interference from outside, quite quickly and they usually go on with the holder for a long time. In a scout environment nicknames are more common - more than 90 % of members has a nickname. In a school environment nicknames are not so much common - only about 20 % of children at school has their specific nickname.One holder has usually only one nickname , however sometimes he can have more nicknames in various social groups. The same motivation can create quite different nicknames, whereas homonymic nicknames can have quite different motivations. It is common that nicknames have the same form for male and female variations. The...
School children ́s nicknames as a part of the school language communication
Kvíčalová, Marta ; Šmejkalová, Martina (advisor) ; Janovec, Ladislav (referee) ; Šindelářová, Jaromíra (referee)
NÁZEV: Žákovské přezdívky jako součást školské jazykové komunikace AUTOR: School children's nicknames as a part of the school language communication KATEDRA: Katedra českého jazyka ŠKOLITEL: doc. PhDr. Martina Šmejkalová, Ph.D. ABSTRACT The research project deals with children's nicknames from the linguistic and linguodidactic point of view. Nicknames are verbal means of realization of the communication act of addressing and a manifestation of a specific communicative strategies in the classroom. A research of such kind has not yet been carried out in the Czech Republic. We used a questionnaire as a research method. The main research was carried out in two phases and its main purpose was 1.) description and characteristics of 562 nicknames of 8th grade primary school pupils and of the same age group pupils attending "gymnaziums" (eight-year grammar schools) focusing on the motivation of the origin of the nicknames; and 2.) detailed characteristics of 45 selected nicknames focusing on the functioning (perception and experience) in school language communication, from the perspective of the productor (a group where the nickname originated and where it is used), the recipient (a bearer of the nickname) and independent evaluators. Material analysis also allows partial conclusions about the quality of pupils'...
School children ́s nicknames as a part of the school language communication
Kvíčalová, Marta ; Šmejkalová, Martina (advisor) ; Janovec, Ladislav (referee) ; Šindelářová, Jaromíra (referee)
NÁZEV: Žákovské přezdívky jako součást školské jazykové komunikace AUTOR: School children's nicknames as a part of the school language communication KATEDRA: Katedra českého jazyka ŠKOLITEL: doc. PhDr. Martina Šmejkalová, Ph.D. ABSTRACT The research project deals with children's nicknames from the linguistic and linguodidactic point of view. Nicknames are verbal means of realization of the communication act of addressing and a manifestation of a specific communicative strategies in the classroom. A research of such kind has not yet been carried out in the Czech Republic. We used a questionnaire as a research method. The main research was carried out in two phases and its main purpose was 1.) description and characteristics of 562 nicknames of 8th grade primary school pupils and of the same age group pupils attending "gymnaziums" (eight-year grammar schools) focusing on the motivation of the origin of the nicknames; and 2.) detailed characteristics of 45 selected nicknames focusing on the functioning (perception and experience) in school language communication, from the perspective of the productor (a group where the nickname originated and where it is used), the recipient (a bearer of the nickname) and independent evaluators. Material analysis also allows partial conclusions about the quality of pupils'...
Nicknames in groups of children
Kvíčalová, Marta ; Janovec, Ladislav (advisor) ; Palkosková, Olga (referee)
This work deals with nicknames in groups of children at present, mainly in school and scout environments. The author was making this research in various environments for several months and gained quite a huge amount of today's nicknames (about 1 800). She has described their morphology and sorted them out according to their origin. With the aid of special literature and gained examples she has come to interesting conclusions. Nicknames, as unofficial first names used abundantly among childern, are a specific and extraordinary linguistic material. School and scout nicknames originate from the same linguistic habits and they arise in similar ways. They arise naturally , without any interference from outside, quite quickly and they usually go on with the holder for a long time. In a scout environment nicknames are more common - more than 90 % of members has a nickname. In a school environment nicknames are not so much common - only about 20 % of children at school has their specific nickname.One holder has usually only one nickname , however sometimes he can have more nicknames in various social groups. The same motivation can create quite different nicknames, whereas homonymic nicknames can have quite different motivations. It is common that nicknames have the same form for male and female variations. The...

See also: similar author names
1 Kvíčalová, Magdalena
4 Kvíčalová, Mirka
4 Kvíčalová, Monika
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