National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Social aspects of workplace communication
Klimeš, Josef ; Hiršová, Miloslava (advisor) ; Míková, Irena (referee)
AKTUALIZOVAT Communication and presentation skills, so-called. soft skills are an integral part of the manager´s daily performance. Often they´re the key aspects that determine the success or failure of a very single person. Mistakenly, these skills are considered innate or unalterable. The thesis supposed to convince the reader to the contrary opinion. The theoretical part is combining the knowledge gained from literature and presentation skills acquired through practice. The research is focused on evaluating of the online questionnaire distributed at ŠKODA AUTO a.s. In conclusion, attention is paid to the interpretation of results with suggestions for their improvements. The aim of this work is to serve as a technical manual of basic communication and presentation skills of managers.
Analysis of Marketing Mix Tools in "Rašelina, a.s."
Kolářová, Pavlína ; Kozlová, Taťána (advisor) ; Klimeš, Josef (referee)
The main goal of this research paper is to define the main characteristics of the company and analyze the current status of each element of their marketing mix. After that I will evaluate the effective use of these elements and make recommendations for improvements.

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2 Klimeš, J.
9 Klimeš, Jakub
22 Klimeš, Jan
1 Klimeš, Jan,
4 Klimeš, Jaromír
17 Klimeš, Jiří
3 Klimeš, Jonáš
1 Klimeš, Juraj
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