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Characterisation of recombinant mouse glutamate carboxypeptidase III
Janoušková, Karolína ; Konvalinka, Jan (advisor) ; Obšil, Tomáš (referee)
Glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCPII, PSMA, NAALADase) is transmembrane metalopeptidase and due to cleavage of substrates β-citryl-L-glutamate (BCG), N-acetyl-L-aspartyl-L-glutamate (NAAG) and polyglutamylated folates (Pte-Glun) is being studied as potential therapeutic target. Enzymes, which could compensate for enzyme activity and functions of GCPII, are thus relevant targets of enzymology as well. One of GCPII's homologs with similar enzyme activity is mouse glutamate carboxypeptidase III (GCPIII, NAALADase II). Enzymatic cleavage has not been determined using recombinant mouse GCPIII yet. It is important to kinetically characterize mouse GCPIII so that we can compare enzyme activity with human ortolog. Then we can find out whether mouse model is comparable with human. Recombinant mouse GCPIII was kinetically characterized. Kinetic parameters (KM, kcat) for recombinant mouse GCPIII were measured for substrates NAAG and BCG using radioactive assay. Experiments with the substrate Pte-Glu2 were analyzed using HPLC method. Although human GCPIII is more effective than mouse ortolog at clearage of NAAG, both enzymes are comparable during hydrolysis of BCG. Those results can contribute to better understanding of the role of GCPIII in the most commonly used animal model.
Characterisation of recombinant mouse glutamate carboxypeptidase III
Janoušková, Karolína ; Konvalinka, Jan (advisor) ; Obšil, Tomáš (referee)
Glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCPII, PSMA, NAALADase) is transmembrane metalopeptidase and due to cleavage of substrates β-citryl-L-glutamate (BCG), N-acetyl-L-aspartyl-L-glutamate (NAAG) and polyglutamylated folates (Pte-Glun) is being studied as potential therapeutic target. Enzymes, which could compensate for enzyme activity and functions of GCPII, are thus relevant targets of enzymology as well. One of GCPII's homologs with similar enzyme activity is mouse glutamate carboxypeptidase III (GCPIII, NAALADase II). Enzymatic cleavage has not been determined using recombinant mouse GCPIII yet. It is important to kinetically characterize mouse GCPIII so that we can compare enzyme activity with human ortolog. Then we can find out whether mouse model is comparable with human. Recombinant mouse GCPIII was kinetically characterized. Kinetic parameters (KM, kcat) for recombinant mouse GCPIII were measured for substrates NAAG and BCG using radioactive assay. Experiments with the substrate Pte-Glu2 were analyzed using HPLC method. Although human GCPIII is more effective than mouse ortolog at clearage of NAAG, both enzymes are comparable during hydrolysis of BCG. Those results can contribute to better understanding of the role of GCPIII in the most commonly used animal model.

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