National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Business Plan of Life Style Centre and Landscape Management
Bambule, Martin ; Syrovátka, Oldřich (advisor) ; Holub, Miloš (referee)
The paper focuses on the analysis and description of the options considered in the use of the castle Terezín in Albeř near Nová Bystřice. It shows also economic performance of these options, and total reconstruction of the castle. The output is an evaluation of these options, depending on financial performance and other entitlements to the options. Work is processed in order to verify whether it is economically realistic proposed solutions actually implemented.
The Application of Marketing Management in a Chosen Company
Kutnohorský, Karel ; Ezrová, Hana (advisor) ; Holub, Miloš (referee)
ABSTRACT Kutnohorský, Karel.Application of marketing management in a selected company. University of Economics in Prague -- Faculty of Management in Jindřichův Hradec, 2009, 78 pages, tutor: Doc. Ing. Hana Ezrová, CSc. The main topic of this thesis is a marketing operation system of a selected company. The work is divided into two parts. The first part follows a marketing operation theory based on planning, implementation and verification. The second, practical part describes a certain development industry segment and the company which allowed execution of the thesis. It analyses individual marketing operation phases of the company. The last part reviews the operation system and presents improvement suggestions.

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1 HOLUB, Marek
25 HOLUB, Martin
15 HOLUB, Michal
15 HOLUB, Miroslav
25 Holub, Martin
5 Holub, Matyáš
15 Holub, Michal
6 Holub, Milan
2 Holub, Miloš
15 Holub, Miroslav
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