National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Improving Business Performance
Fajt, Martin ; Oulehla, Jiří (referee) ; Luňáček, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the performance evaluation of the company Vasky Trade s.r.o. The performance of the company is assessed for the period from 2018 to 2022 using financial analysis tools and analysis of the external environment. The thesis consists of a theoretical part, which includes a description of specific methods and procedures for conducting the analysis, and a practical part, where these procedures are applied. In conclusion, these analyses are evaluated, and adequate improvement suggestions are made for any insufficient values.
Care about immature newborn of HIV positive mother
Marianová, Sandra ; Fajt, Martin (referee) ; Saxlová, Jaroslava (advisor)
This thesis is dedicated to the care of immature newborn HIV positive mothers. Work is conceived as a theoretical - practical. The theoretical part is devoted to HIV infection, their transmission, including transmission from mother to child, diagnosis, treatment options and preventive measures. Although there is enough awareness and prevention programs aimed at preventing transmission and transmission of HIV infection, a large number of HIV positive women diagnosed during pregnancy, resulting in considerable risk to the fetus. Then the paper deals with the care of HIV positive women during pregnancy and during delivery. Another section is dedicated to the care of newborn immature, are mentioned aspects of medical and nursing care for these children. The practical part contains a case report of immature babies who are born HIV positive mother. Case report describes the course of hospitalization for Neonatology Intensive Care Unit. There is comprehensively described for newborn care, focusing on the specifics of treatment of immature children. It also mentioned the proportion of parental care, including their education in the care of these children.

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3 Fajt, Mojmír
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